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Rookie Jet Studio

A member registered Jul 14, 2015 · View creator page →

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There are a couple modules on DriveThruRPG! You can also check our Discord for any fan-made projects! Thank you for the kind words :)

Check out the cinematic trailer here!

Check out how to make your own Character in Red Giant here!

Check out how to make your own Character and Anima here!


Noted! Thank you for all of the feedback.

Signs are pointing to yes :)

Thank you! Very soon!

(1 edit)

Glad you're enjoying it!!!

There will be a license for others to create their own Red Giant materials if thats what you mean! I don't think the game is compatible with a lot due to the original system. I'd love to find a way to convert OSR materials into the game with ease though.

As for your second question, no it was not inspired by Mork Borg, this game was in development before Mork Borg came into the market as far as I know. Stunning book design from those folks though!

Red Giant is a Tabletop Role Playing Game influenced by, but not limited to, anime and manga such as Vampire Hunter D, Berserk, and Claymore. Red Giant aims to recreate the various themes, dynamics, and scenarios seen in these types of media.

Red Giant is very adaptable and can be used in a myriad of ways to suit your tabletop game, as the core of this system provides many tools for use in creating your own customized session.

No one knows how the Red Giant came to be: some people believe it was an act of god, some believe it was due to ancient technology, but no matter how this planet became cursed, it is clear that


Good point, we'll note this and review it during further playtest! Thanks for letting us know.

Hi everyone! Red Giant was getting more attention than I expected so I through a price on the finished product. If you want to review the game for the game jam then here are 20 keys below, please make sure to only take one key and leave a review/rate after! Thank you all!


Thank you!

Hey, thanks for looking into this. I still have the original uploaded but decided to put a price on it since it was getting a lot of attention and I didn't want to miss that window. Let me know when / how I can add this back!

I wanted to upload a Watermarked version of my game since I saw it was getting a lot of traction. I removed the file but didn't save the page and now my entry can no longer be uploaded. Well, thanks for the motivation but I guess i'm out?

You can not save this world.

In the world of Red Giant players will tread a cursed planet bathed in crimson light from a reborn sun and encounter the many horrifying creatures that have long since awakened.

Simple setup. Red Giant is a "Rules light" RPG designed to get you setup and running with little to no preparation beforehand. Great for first-time players and GMs!

Sanity.  Players will find themselves against an array of horrors that will challenge the human mind, Red Giant introduces a system to manage your sanity and the terrors that come with losing it.

Easy to Mod. Players and GMs alike will find the system very easy to modify for their own home brew adventures and creations.

Creatures, Horrors, and Aberrations. A list of creatures that have plagued the earth along with stat blocks and lore 

A list of many curses.  

A list of Keyword spells. 

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Glad to see you took the requests to heart <3

Thank you!

thank you!

I didn’t mean to sound so harsh in my review I just wanted to list the issues I saw so that you can make the game the best to your ability.

Love - it's contagious actually managed to suck me into completing the game. Upon first look at this game I never thought it would, but I managed to make it to my evaluation which went terribly wrong lol. 

I thought the writing was pretty well done and enjoyed the banter between the characters and their punny names. The game plays a lot like a visual novel and includes many different outcomes to each scenario which I enjoyed and might go back to try for a better score. I think the game with some updates and length to pad out the twist at the end could actually be pretty good! 

I really enjoyed the twist at the end but felt like the choices weren't really clear as to what would happen.

Not a lot of bugs but I did notice that the book on Chase's table actually triggers the cake event which was confusing. The doors sometimes open upon touch in some places but require you to press an action key to access at others. The car chase mini game has an issue with one of the buildings that I got stuck in and there seems to be a couple text issues here and there but nothing game breaking! 

I feel like the maps could have been padded out a little more as most of the maps seem to feel empty and devoid of life or scenery.

The music was nice but I feel like there were certain parts that didn't warrant the upbeat music playing in the background.

I noticed this seems to be using the RTP heavily that comes stock with RPG Maker MV which was a turn off. Some better assets would really make this game shine.

Combat seemed to be extremely repetitive with me failing the first encounter solely by having all my party members "observe" on the first round which I thought would do something other than having my characters just wait. A little more flavor here would have really spruced up the game.

Lastly a dash button would be great especially for parts like the switch maze.

Overall I think the game has a unique charm and has been created in a way that caters to replayability which I find great for short games like this. The game does have some shortcomings but that is to be expected from a game jam. There were parts of this game that I really did enjoy including running from the stabber and the dating possibilities (poor nicole). I think an extra coat of polish would have taken this game a long way and I would definitely play through this again once it's updated!

I'll follow you to track the updates!

The premise in Tank Time seems to be going from one level to the next while using your reflexes to perform attacks on the other tanks. I played this game for 10 minutes but found myself getting bored due to repetitive gameplay. I really enjoyed the concept and haven't seen anything like this done in RPG Maker before but the only variation in gameplay comes from using items and the different tiers and troops of tanks you encounter. For the first 6 or so levels I found myself getting a perfect shot every time while pressing "Z" over and over again. I really think this game would have benefited from mixing up the speed at which the wheel spins forcing you to concentrate more on what you're doing. I also think some animations would have really helped this as well, I wasn't aware what I was doing the first round but quickly noticed there just weren't any attack animations. I think this game is a great exercise in game design as it's very original for the engine but the time spent on ironing out the mechanics and graphics for this game seems to have really sliced into the overall gameplay. I'd like to try this again once it has been updated.

After playing Bump for 10 minutes I can safely say it's a great concept piece. Pinball in an RPG Maker system is something that made my brain say "WHAT!?" when I first saw this so it was definitely an immediate download. Hitting the zombies for points is a wonderful mechanic and I would love to see more interaction with them; maybe some timed events where you have to rescue people from them by hitting them with the ball? I think Bump could have been a really great game but there are noticeable issues that are just too hard to look away from:

1. On multiple plays my ball got stuck going up and down until a Gameover screen appeared. I think the game could really benefit from having a feature which shakes the screen to move the ball similar to real pinball machines.

2. The intro plays every time you restart which seems to really make restarting drag on. I think you could probably have an options box that would say something along the lines of "FIrst time playing?" with yes or no that would then trigger the intro. 

3. You get a game over for the first time your ball sinks which imo really slows down the game.

4. If a ball hits your paddle it will bounce up and down freely until you decide to hit it. I think this mechanic could be abused in some ways to get perfect shots.

5. the sound was very repetitive and I found myself muting it after play 3. The SFX were great but maybe a longer song wouldn't hurt.

I think with some of these changes "Bump" could be a really great game but right now it feels more like a proof of concept rather than a playable game. Looking forward to seeing the progress in this.

Also if you could list some of the bugs you found that would be realllllly helpful! Thank you again it means a lot!

Thank you for your review! :D

Thanks for the review, I really appreciate it! You actually can swap through a quick menu by using Q and W! I believe the mayor speaks to you about it.

Loved everything about this game