Nosotros estamos siguiendo las instrucciones de la gente de Itchio tal y como nos dicen.
Ellos dicen que no hay problema, que se activa en final y nosotros nos fiamos.
Rolerøs No Representativøs
Creator of
Recent community posts
Un poquito de por favor.
Se ha explicado ya varias veces que la activación la hace itchio de forma automática, pero que puede haber un retraso porque no son la gente más reactiva del mundo mirando el correo. Es una queja recurrente de la comunidad, su falta de capacidad de respuesta.
Hemos pedido activar sin las personas que faltan por aceptar su aportación para no esperar eternamente.
El creador del bundle es el último en aceptar porque se acepta en la validación final, pero la asociación que recibe el donativo está activa.
Cuando el pack se active finalmente avisaremos por todos los medios.
Hemos pedido a itchio que active el bundle el día 14 dejando fuera a quien no haya confirmado.
Han tenido 15 dias y muchísimos avisos:
Hemos enviado 2 mailings internos a todos los participantes.
Cuando faltaban 100 participantes por confirmar localizamos a todos ellos y les etiquetamos en redes sociales y les enviamos privados por twitter, mastodon, email y bluesky y a los que no respondieron les dejamos notas también en sus proyectos.
Lo que sí puede producir retraso es que desde itchio tarden en ejecutar la petición de activación, porque la comunicación no es la ideal.
You need to enter and then follow the instructions.
Go to Review bundle, and downscroll a looooooong way to Approve and join bundle.
Hi! A few time ago, you submitted this game to our itchio charity Bundle. We need you to validate this submission. This is the address of the bundle: And some instructions, in the case you need them
Thanks a lot :)
Hi! A few time ago, you submitted this game to our itchio charity Bundle. We need you to validate this submission. This is the address of the bundle: And some instructions, in the case you need them
Thanks a lot :)
Hi! A few time ago, you submitted this game to our itchio charity Bundle. We need you to validate this submission. This is the address of the bundle: And some instructions, in the case you need them
Thanks a lot :)
Hola! Hace tiempo presentaste este juego a un bundle solidario. Es el momento de validar tu aportación.:
Aqui tienes algunas instrucciones por si las necesitas.
Hi! A few time ago, you submitted this game to our itchio charity Bundle. We need you to validate this submission. This is the address of the bundle: And some instructions, in the case you need them
Thanks a lot :)
Hi! A few time ago, you submitted this game to our itchio charity Bundle. We need you to validate this submission. This is the address of the bundle: And some instructions, in the case you need them
Thanks a lot :)
Hi! A few time ago, you submitted this game to our itchio charity Bundle. We need you to validate this submission. This is the address of the bundle: And some instructions, in the case you need them
Thanks a lot
Hi! A few time ago, you submitted this game to our itchio charity Bundle. We need you to validate this submission. This is the address of the bundle: And some instructions, in the case you need them
Thanks a lot
Hi! A few time ago, you submitted this game to our itchio charity Bundle. We need you to validate this submission. This is the address of the bundle: And some instructions, in the case you need them
Thanks a lot
Hi! A few time ago, you submitted this game to our itchio charity Bundle. We need you to validate this submission. This is the address of the bundle: And some instructions, in the case you need them
Thanks a lot
Hi! A few time ago, you submitted this game to our itchio charity Bundle. We need you to validate this submission. This is the address of the bundle: And some instructions, in the case you need them
Thanks a lot
Hi! A few time ago, you submitted this game to our itchio charity Bundle. We need you to validate this submission. This is the address of the bundle: And some instructions, in the case you need them
Thanks a lot
Hi! A few time ago, you submitted this game to our itchio charity Bundle. We need you to validate this submission. This is the address of the bundle: And some instructions, in the case you need them
Thanks a lot
Hi! A few time ago, you submitted this game to our itchio charity Bundle. We need you to validate this submission. This is the address of the bundle: And some instructions, in the case you need them
Thanks a lot
Hi! A few time ago, you submitted this game to our itchio charity Bundle. We need you to validate this submission. This is the address of the bundle: And some instructions, in the case you need them
Thanks a lot
Hi! A few time ago, you submitted this game to our itchio charity Bundle. We need you to validate this submission. This is the address of the bundle: And some instructions, in the case you need them
Thanks a lot
Hi! A few time ago, you submitted this game to our itchio charity Bundle. We need you to validate this submission. This is the address of the bundle: And some instructions, in the case you need them
Thanks a lot
Hi! A few time ago, you submitted this game to our itchio charity Bundle. We need you to validate this submission. This is the address of the bundle: And some instructions, in the case you need them
Hi! A few time ago, you submitted this game to our itchio charity Bundle. We need you to validate this submission. This is the address of the bundle: And some instructions, in the case you need them
Hi! A few time ago, you submitted this game to our itchio charity Bundle. We need you to validate this submission. This is the address of the bundle: And some instructions, in the case you need them
Hi! A few time ago, you submitted a game in your itchio charity Bundle. We need you to validate this submission. This is the address of the bundle: And some instructions, in the case you need them
Hi! A few time ago, you submitted this game to our itchio charity Bundle. We need you to validate this submission. This is the address of the bundle: And some instructions, in the case you need them
Thanks a lot! It looks Great!Hola! Necesitamos que actives tus contribuciones al bundle solidario por valencia.
Aqui tienes las instrucciones.
We are activating the Charity bundle for Valencia.
We need that you accept your submission.
Here you have the instructions
And this is the bundle.
Thanks a lot!
Hi, Thulhupunk
We need you to accept your contribution at the Charity Bundle for valencia, please.
Here you have the instrucions.
thanks a lot!
Hecho, aquí tenéis la entrada del blog, mucho más accesible y sin depender de plataformas.
Si, disculpad, estamos validando ahora las aportaciones de material.
La previsión es que se haga en unos 15 días, pero sí se hace antes, pues mejor. Quedan por validar su aportación 134 personas u editoriales/grupos creativos, de las 295 que han participado. Cuando pasen unos días volveremos a hacer un recordatorio, y seguramente toque hacer un par de recordatorios de emergencia más cuando se vaya a cumplir el plazo.
No queremos que esto se alargue eternamente, así que este plazo, sobre el que tenemos relativo control vamos a intentar que sea lo más breve posible, porque el siguiente paso ya es permitir la compra del bundle y hacer llegar nuestra ayuda.
Gracias a todos y todas por participar, por vuestro compromiso y vuestra paciencia.
Hola a todos!
Por fin ha llegado el momento! Desde itchio han dado la orden de migrar el bundle.
Debéis ir a la página del bundle y allí validar vuestra aportación: Antes de hacerlo, podéis leer la nueva información: apoyaremos a Proyecto butterfly con los donativos.
Teneis una pequeña guía de como activar la aportación
Muchas gracias por vuestro apoyo y vuestra paciencia.
Hello everyone!
Finally the time has come! From itchio they have given the order to migrate the bundle.
You must go to the bundle page and there validate your contribution:
Before you do it, you can read the new information: we will support butterfly project with donations.
You have a small guide on how to activate the contribution:
Thank you very much for your support and your patience.