what the fuck????
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Why do I find this as a inverse of The Binding Of Issac lmao
seriously tho, the game is very funny, vey charming, and overall a great short 5 min bitsy puzzle game haha
thought it would be much darker from the title screen and warnings but it was still extremely fun to play thru
bugs i found: hard mode is effectively impossible since if you collect all items it says you have -1 items left and the candles wont let you i tried twice
also i had to restart a playthrough due to not knowing that the box in the summoning rooms reset your items and i was stuck with two needles and -2 tries
ok i whipped up a guide this took like. 30 minutes or so please help
a walkthrough that took waaay too long to make
1. Backtrack. Backtrack backtrack backtrack backtrack backtrack.
Backtrack through the residential area and through the sewers.
2. Be able to backtrack back to the slime area. Simply double jump + orca jump here:
and walljump back up and get back into the slime area.
Then, blast your eye lasers at this spot (took 2 tries for me) to disable the barrier.
3. Get back into Deep Town and get to Lauren's House. Note that you need to get to Lauren's workshop to get the SOUL, but the passageway from her house is locked.
You can get there through her back door (pictured here)

4. Get onto the highlighted platform and parkour over to the door.
(I haven't tried using any other platforms but still, I recommend using that one)
Firstly, you have got to know that this is VERY TRICKY.
This took 5 minutes to do for THIS VERY GUIDE.
When I try to get over, I usually dash over, double jump and orca jump, then try and improvise by spamming dash.
(I am not that good at these sorts of things. If you have a better method please tell me)
When you get there, it will look like this:
5. Enter the door and talk to Lauren for some lore and to get the SOUL.
You don't need a key. If you have Orca jump and Double jump (which if you've already backtracked to Deep Town you will probably have) then you can locate the nearest platform (right pathway of house) and blast over, jump twice (once with double jump, twice with Orca jump) and access the house.
Be warned, this requires a TON of trial and error.
The door for plot development is below the house (you can see it when you are outside)
i would like a pixel art artist (other than me) to help work on my gbmaker game!
important: must read the sprite limitations in gbstudio (docs linked below) if you haven't read them
if you want to help, contact me on discord! ( rockrozma#5102 )
useful resources: