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A member registered Aug 14, 2019 · View creator page →

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Glad you liked it! I know about the issue, haven't figured out a fix for it. Used Python with Tkinter, Pygame and other libraries I needed.

/ -.-- --- ..- / -.. .. -.. / .- / .--. .-. . - - -.-- / --. --- --- -.. / .--- --- -... -.-.-- / .. / -.-. .- -. / -. --- .-- / ... .--. . .- -.- / .. -. / -- --- .-. ... . / -.-. --- -.. . -.-.--

What do you mean? This is better than actual mspaint!

This can be pretty useful. Online security is important. Great job!

Indeed 可愛い. My graphs have never looked better before!

Didn't expect to get rick rolled by a text editor. Good job!

Cool. I got: "Horror Infinite Space"... ok that's just among us, but still... really cool! Didn't expect Scratch!

It's nice. I wouldn't call the features "useless stuff". You never know when you're gonna need a random word generator while writing your essay!

Also, I love the typing soundeffect. If the soundeffect happens to be public domain, please give it to us. It's so perfect!

It's a basic but powerful dialog editor. Really cool!

Really nice. It has all the important features. Would probably suggest adding onion mask, because I found myself using the "images" section as a timeline for animating.

Probably the coolest tool so far. Only problem I have is with the installer. I don't really want it on my C drive.

I like it. Would probably use it in the future. 

Kinda cool

Cute cat trying to make me productive. The ultimate combo!

It's cool! Keeping track of such stuff can be helpful.

Cute. I like it!

You surprised me. I didn't expect this to be THIS AWESOME, especially with the sound effects lol. 10/10.

I mean... it's an mp3 player and that kinda counts as a tool (i think)

Anyways, glad you found it fun!

Let's gooo. I can now both eat my cereal and... idk what am gonna do with the brush, but I'll keep it in case I'd need it!

pretty cool

Ok, turning a .psd file into a "game" is really cool. This tool is great.

Took me a while trying to figure out I was supposed to drag and drop the file, but it's good. It does the job well. 

It's pretty cool. Would probably add the ability to save your drawing, but still... pretty cool!

!!! If it looks like the program crashed, check task manager. He might be eating RAM in the background !!!

(1 edit)

Tried the game.
Cool game, although the guns and the crab do not really fit into the art style.

I'd suggest sticking to a simple colour pallete. For my game, I chose only about 7 colours. In case of your game, I could count up to 16 colours.

I'd also suggest never using black. Use a really dark shade of any colour. Really dark purple always worked for me.

And, don't outline too much. (you can, but you don't have to)

Here's a helpful video about what you should avoid while making pixel art

(You probably used some free assets, but it's still always good to learn something new, because you might use it later, maybe for another game jam)

but the ending was a little bit disappointing

Well, then I achieved what I wanted.

Glad you liked it!

Sorry, I don't have a controller :(

It isn't the worst game, but I can't say it's great. Remember, practice makes you better.

Also, it's cool that you actually finished the game in 2 days. It's really cool for a beginner.

Interesting. I like it. It's really simple, yet still fun.

(the game files look a bit sus. there are some dll files, that usually come with drivers. You probably downloaded those dll files from the internet, because you didn't have the needed drivers installed, which is not recommended.)

I can't tell if the cutscenes are death screens or endings... Anyways, it's cool. The guitar fits the game perfectly. Great job

So, first of all

I f-ing love the music. Reminds me of celeste. The art is amazing. I love it. The game is fun and hella polished.

Now to the bad stuff (although there isn't really much to say anyways)

A lot of times, I couldn't see platforms, so I had to use my memory. The player is too slow for such game. That's it (oh, and I don't really like the fact that I gotta start over whenever I lose)

Anyways, awesome game. Great job!

It isn't a bad game, but it could've been better. Would be awesome if you made the collision for spikes smaller.

Also, the music and art aren't the best. I checked your profile and this isn't your first game.

Lil' bit of music theory

Pixel art do's and don'ts

Remember, practice makes you better.

Sometimes the player makes a really small jump, which results in the player falling into lava.

Anyways, cool game.

(1 edit)

The game is fun, although it's too hard (I'd make the platforms fall a bit slower so it's a bit more fair)

Great job!

hard, but cool

Fun game. Hard, but super fun

Glad you liked it! 

Cool game. Only thing I have against it is probably the aspect ratio. Other than that, it's pretty good!

This is where I got it from

Even funnier is that they called their profile "freestockimages"

Anyways, glad you liked the game!

Fun and cool, but you should really port it to html, if you want more reviews