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A member registered Dec 04, 2017 · View creator page →

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I was not expecting someone to find this game. I made it as a joke in about an hour. Glad to see someone stumble upon it!

Gosh darn you know how to write for string instruments. Good mix of classic and hip-hop, Good use of samples too!

It was my intention from the start. This would either be the first or last line of a story. Either the beginning of the apocalypse or the end of the protagonist's life.

Thank you for playing and the constructive feedback! I will have them in mind from now on!

I tried to make it possible to platform to any place the sword can be thrown. If you find any place where you can't reach the sword, I would appreciate it if you may let me know where that is so I can make it possible to platform there.

Bruh. I made it possible to go forward or backwards on the map. You should be able to go trace back your steps if the sword was thrown somewhere (hopefully). I think every platform is reachable with the correct jumps. Thank you for playing!

POG. You actually caught how I implemented the maze! I was going to describe the puzzling layout of the castle but I didn't have enough words for it. Although, because your brain is massive, you went beyond mere words and understood!

This story felt the most thought out of the others I have read (sorry, other stories). I don't usually like made up words, but these were easy to understand within their context, so it felt like the universe had a long history before I decided to read it. Like parwhelp, which could either be an era like prehistory, middle ages, modern era, or a planet, galaxy, or an important event. And, a rare resource like frickonium (kinda funny name).

I think in one way the story could be made more immersive was to describe the events as they happened rather than a recollection of them. So, instead of being told what was broadcasted in the transmission, we would instead hear the transmission as it happened. It could still be a flash back, but it could change perspectives to the past as if it's the present. Maybe, describe how the commander's voice sounded (was it trembling? Was it struck with fear? Was there heavy breathing as if they were losing oxygen?) or was any static coming through (as if they were currently in battle) which would bring life to what usually was a mundane thing. However, the contents of the message were exciting, and I think it would be even more exciting if we heard it rather than being told what was heard.

The second paragraph when Lefton bolts up was unfortunately the biggest perpetrator of telling instead of showing. I think telling is ok when describing the future or a 'what if?' Before that, when we were being described how Lefton would be with standard blood, was a 'what if?' moment. And, because of that, it was enjoyable to read. This could have been used later on in the story if it were a fully-fledged novel, or what it did in this case, it provided us with information on how the person would be if the story had gone down a different route. Which was not needed context, but it was still enjoyable to read because it expanded the universe to more than just this story. Also, the last line was good too because we got told what makes frickonium so valuable. One of its use was to reach further galaxies. Of course, if the word count was longer we might have understood more about this precious resource because it was described to be 'much-needed.' I could imagine all the other ways frickonium could be used, for better or worse. I would also like to know why frickonium was a rare resource? Does it take centuries to flourish in nature? Or does it require a particular type of environment to thrive in? The fact that I'm thinking about these questions means you did well with world building in only 500 words.

Bruh, were you not in the last game jam? Are we on the same wave length or somethin'? Also, my ineptitude for Interactive Fiction was a positive? POG!

You win the war if you lose the competition. So yes, you won the war but lost the competition. I don't have experience with Interactive Fiction, and most of the time was spent on building the foundation of the engine, unfortunately. Thank you for playing!

Thank you!

Thank you, and good job for giving it your best!

Hello! I uploaded another build of the game, this one should work, hopefully. I wasn't expecting anyone to play the demo, I was going to advertise it later, but looks like the algorithm favored my game somehow!

Thank you! I wanted to make this game hurt, although I could have worked a bit more on the collisions. I wanted to make the game feel rewarding to those who stuck with it, so thanks for pushing through!

(1 edit)

Fun game! I completed it all. Here's some feed back. The use of theme was not the best, dying just made the level restart, there was no advantage to dying. I wish the aim wouldn't reset after each death. Sometimes my aim is just a bit off, and I would like to move it a bit but resetting the aim made it difficult to do that. Also, holding up or down should move the aim at a constant rate. Pressing up or down over and over becomes a bit tedious. Now, the good stuff. The moving platforms were great! The first level with one made me sync when I start charging to the position of the moving platform. If I charged too soon or late, the platform would block my throw. I liked the levels, they were well done. Not too hard and not too easy.  I also appreciate being able to press 'R' to restart a level quicker. Overall, an enjoyable game with a good difficultly curve!

Thanks for the feedback. The collider on the player has rounded edges, so that explains why you keep sliding down.  The only difficult platform for me is the first one. Once I get on that, I pause before jumping to the next one. Maybe you need to pause before jumping again if you already aren't. It is possible to complete the game, I've tested it many times, but with the game jam constraints perhaps I didn't get enough testing which made the difficulty spikes uneven.

Waaaaah, so no fade effects?

Could you try downloading .net core 2.2 instead? I added it to the download instructions since .net core 2.2 is the version I used to build the game.