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A member registered Jun 21, 2016 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Oh wait I actually messed up. Nevermind.

The premium code doesn't seem to work for the android version

I got the same error on Windows

same error, also on windows

True multi-player Innovation

Makes me think 🤔

Love the 3d models!

The online hub is amazing 😩

Very cool

Looks like a great time waster for my phone

Looks like a finished game. Well done!

When Sweeney Todd and Ronald Mcdonald had a love child

Looks fun with a friend

A very educational game

Love the shark model!

This cop is thick!

A good way to get rid of some bootled up negative emotions

Some cool ideas in the concept

Looks like a great potential party game!

The graphics give me 1990s amiga vibes

Shmups for live

So I can re-experience the castle game jam over and over again

Finally I can act through my fantasies of being a Danish butcher 

Gives me halo vibes with the buggy

Looks like a finished product!

It's not a game it's a story about life itself

Love the game idea. 

I like the use of photos as level design

Very well done controls!

You did in one week what Nintendo took 6 years to do!

Great party game!

Kinda wish there was a android version...

It's not fine for me.

I have no agenda against people who just have ideas. This is a introspective piece and it's about my goals. I wanna move away from only thinking about game ideas and starting making them.

Well, I was mostly speaking about solo development and not about teams.

interesting. what in particular? 


I work on a 8 bit mega man clone with Pico-8. I can do programming and pixelart but I can't handle sound beyont simple sfx. 

Anyone having experience with chip tune music?