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John Retroreloader @ Return learn games

A member registered Aug 16, 2017 · View creator page →

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I hope so :) 

I hope you get that support. The 64bit versions adds a new perspective to the experience. :)

As a fan of the original, Great job! 

Cracking good work on the 3d remake of Chapter 1. Are you planning chapters 2 + 3?

Nice one looking forward!

Hows the dev going? Are you planning a finished product?

Looking forward

Any updates Arabong?

As an AGI and SQ fan I'm looking forward to this

Any updates?

Great job!

I am hoping to see that new version :) 

Such a fresh fun game

Awesome tribute game - noticed a problem with slowdown on my system - Any ideas?

Awesome tribute game - noticed a problem with slowdown on my system - Any ideas?

Hows it going Arabong?

Keep it going!

Any progress on the project?

Try 2

No worries. Also I did another youtube video with my previous account removed - New Records

What engine did u use to create, are you planning to release open-source for this version?

Will follow on twitter and share to support

Dear Arabong - Any progress on the ideas and dev?


Whats your email contact pls?

Any chance to download and any dev for a sequel?

Most welcome and nice work :) 

Most welcome, here is a poster by a pal to support - By Crvnjava67

Nice work! Any plans to continue

So much fun to play randomised levels - If only the enemies and sprites were rotated between 80s games/films like DonkeyME (Just an idea) 

 First time playing this game. As a tribute game nice work!

Nice work the soundfx and graphics are a nice combo - 

Welcome. I like my Rhythm it was a nice retro style.

Glad to hear. Do you have a timeline in mind?

The sounds fx and speech are highly entertaining.

I've included a crazy Taxi commissioned artwork which you may enjoy

Any progress?

I wanted to ask when the final version is due? I noticed early access on 31/march

Such a fresh and funky game. As a crazy taxi fan did a video as tribute. Are you planning to expand further with extra levels, characters, bonuses etc? Or release the source?

Quality game


Can I download the JAM Version?

Cheers :) OS Win7, graphics is NVS3100M