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A member registered Oct 01, 2022 · View creator page →

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(2 edits)

holy cow, I should’ve checked the .exe icon. it’s ugly as heck and honestly I can’t make it look better, at least I’ll remove ’em

oh heck it seems I can’t really remove ’em

nice! seems almost exactly what I was looking for! i’ll do some tweaks, but a singele criticism:
please, offer the content as a .zip, .rar is not an universal standard, it’s very annoying to have to install proprietary libraries to unpack it! :)

just multiply your character’s x size by -1, or if your engine allows for it, flip it horizontally

On this car, there are small planets in a "cosmos", just a little bigger than an adult, each planet having their own citizens which, in contact with the passengers, think they found otherworld life forms, not realizing everything is small and close.

I hope it can quickly iterate to a war between more than a planet, of somekind.

I downloaded it, forgot where it came, and while reading, was searching for the credits. Those kind of files can easily circulate, or the original page for the game eventually be gone and the game still float around, so it would be nice to see credits for the artist within the file.

Seems to be a great game! Unfortunately, the download never completes. Couldn't you put all the files into a .zip instead of making the executable download the game after?