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A member registered Oct 31, 2020 · View creator page →

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No problem, 2017 belong to the past anyway, good continuation.

(1 edit)

Yes I tried, had to download unitypackage since asset store asks for unity 2019 to allow download.
Then I got errors including "not part of C# 4.0 language" and others "UnityEditor.PrefabUtility' does not contain GetCorrespondingObjectFromSource / SaveAsPrefabAsset".

Could debug some but not the ones including PrefabUtility. I don't ask for help with this, should be resolved wth new up to date computer coming one day :V

MAST is "2019.3.5 or higher" in my inspector asset store and Im stuck with Unity 2017 :| Anyway I'm ok thanks for the answer.

Looks nice but couldnt use it due to no demo scene and no mast on old unity.

Nice, thanks.
Oops I thought my timer was very good.. well at least I won't get farted on :v

(2 edits)

Challenging game and finally free from this pain (hard cuted) :Y