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A member registered Jun 22, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thanks for the feedback! I can definitely implement these things in a later iteration! Appreciate the playthrough.

I'm glad you liked it! Yeah its pretty limited and easy to cheese, I just ran out of time. Thanks for the playthrough!

Thanks for the feedback and playthrough! 

Thanks for the playthrough

Thanks! I plan on adding future mechanics into the game later on to add some more gameplay. Thanks for the playthrough :)

 Thanks for the feedback! I might change the rage state in a future buil

Yeah I planned on adding more to that mechanic but ran out of time. Thanks for the feedback and the playthrough!

Thanks! I wanted to add more mechanics that stop the cheese but didnt have time, appreciate the feedback!

Thanks for the feedback! I'll probably improve the rage mechanic soon :)

I'll probably add a negative effect if you stand still for too long, thanks for the play!

Oh man I definitely should have had a mac and a linux export! My bad! Ill make sure to add them when the ratings are over.

Sounds like a good idea! This game had good potential for a fun mobile time waster if you ever want to expand. Check out my game if you get the chance! Its simple but as a solo team i'm looking for some feedback.

Thanks! I'm a 1 man team so I kept it simple. Glad to hear it was addicting!

Thanks! I appreciate the play through. The controls always trick me aswell, i figured id implement it to fit the theme.

Original concept! Very silly, I found it not so intuitive at first but you get the hang of it quickly! Great job on this one.

Creative use of the theme! It was hard to manage those babies! Overall a great game for the 48-hour time limit. Great job

Great concept, loved the minimalist art. Simple sounds which matched the art. I didnt know what each block did at the start but I got the hang of it quick (im sure that was the intent).  I didnt finish because I was ready to hop into another game, however, you can really expand this isnt a full game and add in more elements. Could be a great mobile time waster!

Fun narrative! Good job on this one

Very fun concept! Good execution and funny art!