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A member registered Feb 02, 2022 · View creator page →

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You are such a meanie.. ;_;

Pretty cool visuals!

I like the idea and this has lots of potential. Great job!

It looks great and the mechanics are pretty cool.

Interesting idea.

Loved the variety of traps and little animations. Just wished it had save points. Well done though!

I thought the presentation part was funny and the shelly "car" model is cute and dorky. Driving controls are a bit slow for acceleration and turning.

Had lots of fun playing through.

Loving the 3D assets, animations and vfx, as well as audio design. I would love to play the finished game some day. <3

Pretty relaxing experience with lovely music.

I saw it, it's pretty coolio!

This game is actually fun. Love the multiplayer with race track and map. Actually just feels finished and fun.

You don't know how much I wanted your videos and model to be in the game! I love how you added narrative and context. The base game by Rugbug and Dubscr, Falcon's furniture and plank addition and yours are my absolute favourite for this game~ <3

Thank you!

Thanks for helping. Though E never worked for me to cancel it but who knows I probably also stopped trying it more than once. And you are right, it's not about an order. I played it again and realized the solution was way more straight forward.

Thank you, it's not too many new additions but mainly some polish that felt like it needed to be done at some point.

I like the idea with the secret code to look for. It's making for a more interesting game loop. But I am not fully getting it in action as the player.
I struggle to find out how to cancel out of the computer with the cipher input (playing on WebGL ESC exits fullscreen of the embed). And for solving, at first I thought I have to pick the symbols visible from the rooms the enemy appeared in front, with that same order. But that seems not to be the case. Since I cannot cancel out of the code input I only attempted twice.

Thanks for letting me touch it <3. Unfortunately, I didn't get to much. Your base version was amazing.

I loved the writing and visuals. Really fun to play.

I had so much fun, I kept playing. At some point it became repetitive because I could do the same strategy every round. But it's such a clever game design, and pretty to look at. Well done!

Suwuper fun and well done, that's amazing for the team and time resources especially!

Pretty cool idea.

This has been my favourite experience to play, you got my full points. The art is so cohesive and special, creative. The theme is on point and the narration super well written. It's fun to explore the instances, makes notes and puzzle together where to be at which time after having all the pieces of information necessary. The ending was fitting and satisfying enough to close off the thought-invoking experience. I feel like you scoped super well and did great resource managing with this not just very engaging and unique experience, but also one that could live off less sprites perfectly fine. It's a prime example for an incredibly nice and thoughtful 48 hour game jam game. Absolutely in love, thanks for letting us enjoy your game!! <3

So much fun to play this little armadillo. The level design is quite versatile too and it's so cool to twist a classic game like snake into something very different. With multiple twists. Super impressive game to make in 48 hours. Great job!

I LOVED the game. It was so much fun scaring these hoomans watching them scared and screaming. My favourite submission so far~ <3

It felt hard for me to control the movement / screen rotation because it wasn't 45/90 degree increments aligned to the visuals grid. But maybe I'm just bad. It was very intriguing to get into.

It felt hard for me to control the movement / screen rotation because it wasn't 45/90 degree increments aligned to the visuals grid. But maybe I'm just bad. It was very intriguing to get into.

That sounds great, yeah.

I love the art and idea. Somehow I managed to make my projectiles be unable to hit the target anymore (they just wouldn't reach the bottom line anymore), so I basically got "stuck".

Not sure how to win but I had a couple attempts because it was so much fun to mess up this dungeon group. *evil laughter*

I was confuzzled at first what pussy to play with but I understood and it was super fun ganging up on that mouse!

I had fun! Love the idea with the flip.

In love with this role reversed idea, also very fun execution. I've been mainly entertained by the "players" (racers) being so bad crashing at almost every corner. Makes me feel better about myself.. haha.

Took me a bit until I understood who I control and what my win condition is. But it was surprising in a nice way. Well done!

Loved seeing this nostalgic game loop role reversed. Well done!

The level design is great, especially having the limited "health"/attempts suited for the level.

I'ts pretty fun riding around as the hawtest firefighter in town.

It was super relaxing doodling around after the instructions and seeing how common objects formed. I really like the game and it's packaged super cute! If I was going to try and suggest anything to add, it would be somewhat of an XP system that sometimes rewards the player with unlocking i.e. cute drawings. Generally any type of progression / unlockables. But then again, it's super chill the way it is.

Cute game, love the swirly sweety schtuffs!