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A member registered Apr 19, 2022 · View creator page →

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Heresy(Test) community · Created a new topic Fun concept

Really interesting concept, the portal mechanic seemed a little buggy but it was a super unique and interesting feature nonetheless. It was a little difficult to manoeuvre with the portals because it was a little difficult to use, and the lack of labelled buttons made it a little difficult to navigate. Really like the concept and I think with some more buttons ad a updated UI it would be a really interesting feature

Really like the visual style of the game, the character is giving happy wheels which I think is really fun, and I like the use of lighting and particle effects. The fact that the player can't jump is kind of irritating and makes it really easy to get suck, especially with the moving platform that you can't reattempt, and just slams the player into the wall repeatedly. I think a more diverse level plan and more refined movement will be really helpful to make the game a more enjoyable experience. 

Bugs - player moves really slowly which impedes the experience of the game. Not sure if the player is supposed to have an icon but it doesn't show up to differentiate player and NPC text.

Really like the visual style and character art, characters have a decent amount of depth to the which is interesting to see.

Not sure what is expected of the player after the characters introductions but different player interactions based on interactions with other characters would be interesting to add. 

Really liked the visual style and wall jump mechanics. Everything looks really cohesive and visually enjoyable, and tiling objects work really well. It's mostly self explanatory as the game isn't cluttered with text boxes or other objects that are a visual hindrance. 

he level becomes repetitive rather quickly, relying too much n e same mechanics to progress, which is fie initially, but needs a little more variety in later stages. 

I think adding a larger variety of platforms will be really interesting moving forward so the game doesn't become repetitive too quickly, as I feel the game has a great base for a strong narrative 

Really liked the puzzle element of the game encouraging the player to search the environment to find items and progress through the game, and the eyes tracking the mouse is a really cool and unique feature. 

I do feel the game lacks a solid sense of direction as most of the playthrough left me questioning what was going on and what my objective was, further hindered by the visual style and awkward placement of some walls/blockades. 

I think with some updated visuals and more defined directions or cohesive story will make the game more enjoyable and easier to understand.