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A member registered Feb 01, 2018 · View creator page →

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Your E must be replaced with a 3. It's a reference to the leetspeak language where some letters are replaced with number.

Thank you for your comment :) We are beginners with Unity, and the physics caused us a lot of troubles (at some point, falling from a certain high made the player passing through walls)... We did our best with what we knew ^^"

Thank you a lot for your comment, and thank you for enjoying our game :D

Thank you for your comment and for enjoying our game :D

Thank you for your comment :) We thought of an "history" feature, but we didn't get the time to implement it, sorry ^^"

Thank you for your comment! We thought to this feature (up arrow key while in hack mode to paste older passwords) but we didn't get the time to implement it.

Thank you for your nice comment :) We are aware that we did a mistake on the final password... Typos and uppercase makes it really unclear, sorry about that :(

Thank you so much for your comment :)

Yeah we are aware that we accidently made the final password too hard, sorry about that :( 

The whole code is uppercase, except the first and last characters. That's not a really clever decision we made :(

Yeah, the typo makes really unclear when it's uppercase or not... It has been said by other players. All codes are lowercase, except one that you'll find later. Sorry about that.

Really cool (but hard) game. We didn't manage to get the top of the tower. But the whole concept around the floating light is really "in the mood"!

Hi! Charity ending here too! Nice game, we found the roller-coaster arc interserting, curious to see more!

The art is really really cool!

Same here, we tried the game but the game crashes after stamping the first two people :(

We really enjoyed playing your game. The physics were a bit slippery and hard to master, but the game's really fun. I love your sens of humour!

We really love duck here, and walking around the different levels was really fun (I really like the physics). A good game like this deserve some music ;)

Impressive job in 72 hours ! And really enjoyable !

Yeah, we worked on it (and some other things), and I'll put an update online after thé jam

A simple game but a straght-forward idea!

Messy controls but I kinda like the character's animation

Awesome animation ! As short as fun !

I want to protect him <3

(but the controls are difficult to take in charge for me)

Really cool art style! (but really difficult!)


A kind of joke I guess, but he dances very well!

I don't really understand what is a good thing, and what is a bad thing... I'm a bit confused :(

You need a Numpad to play (use the 1-9 digits of the Numpad) (we chose it because it was the most Nokia-like input) ; sorry that was not clear at :/