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Positive Zero

A member registered Sep 16, 2016 · View creator page →

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I am a Programmer looking for a Teammembers / a Team that want to work on either Art, Music, SFX or general Game Design with me.

Anything is possible and there are no fixed Artstyles or Game Ideas yet although i did some brainstorming already.

You can check out my previous game jam entries on my profile. or Lerrrtaste on Discord

Hi, I am a programmer still looking for Teammembers. Only one of my game jam projects had a "Story" until now but I would be  interested in trying something new and potentially working with you :)

Thank you :)

Cool you liked it :)

Thank you, that would certainly be a good next step :)

Maybe you were slowed down? Speed is displayed in the top left and you can speed up again with space / clean your screen

Thanks :)

Thank you a lot :)

Hey thank you :) Yes there is no feedback for getting hit by the zombies except a short sound :/

Remaining HP is on the top left of the screen

Thank you :) The inventory should work, its on the very left and shows you the available slots (empty / pizza / pizza gone bad) and the lock symbols are slots you can buy

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We ran out of time and many things are not there yet or not finished :/

For Controls, Instructions and the Story, visit the game page ->

Well, Game Jams are perfect for that ;)

I love the visuals, good job :-) The mouse-control feels a bit indirect but that makes it even more challenging :-D

Fun game, good job :-)

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Credits, a "How to play" and a scoring explanation can be found on the projects page.

Thanks for the feedback. The increasing orbit came as side effect after adding some easing to the ships movement. I decided to keep it as it would prevent permanent orbiting for unlimited points and added some difficulty I felt fit.


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Thanks, cool you enjoyed it

edit: regarding the pickups, the "good" items have a green outline while debris has a red outline

He, thanks :)

Thanks. I just played yours and see the similarity but they are still far from the same I'd say. It feels great to play around with the orbits and controls in your game, well done :)


This is a really fun. Nice art and good music: I like it :)

Check out the projects page for a more detailed tutorial

Thank you... it shouldn't happen anymore, uploaded a quick fix.

Wow thanks a lot plexsoup :)

Cool you liked it :)  What prevented you from unlocking them?

How many players is your game designed for?

I liked the story and imaginary world you built really much, combined with the great music it complemented the gameplay very nicely imo, good job

Really cool seeing the nightclub grow and earning more and more. Music very athmospheric too. I liked it :)

Glad you enjoyed it :)

Thanks Alex :)

No, sorry to dissapoint you. Buy or Die can only be played with 2 players, either locally (via LAN) or over the internet.

I love the style of your games, but atleast a quick explanaition of the controls / goal would be great ;)

UI felt very smooth and polished. The controls were a bit strange, idk if they were intended to. But great idea, I had my fun ;)

Thank you! We planned to have enemies in pacman, but the pathfinding was pretty much broken and we had no time/experience to write our own. Great you liked it anyway :)

Thanks :)

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Hey Maykaelos. Thanks for your feedback :) I will definitely rework the cover image