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A member registered Dec 21, 2013 Β· View creator page β†’

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eheheheheh thank you!! 🧫🦠

thank you for playing lucky little gamer!! πŸ’œβœŒοΈ

thank you πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ

hell yeah

there is penis


so happy to hear that <333 a lot of my new stories are in the same world. '18 foot leash' is xrafstar-focused, 'cupbearer to the gods' is agent-focused. (both are a lot darker than this, though) thank you for visiting this little pocket of the universe... πŸ•³οΈ

for the ending screen, it is intentional to symbolize the distance of god from this ending and also because I like the effect of the hands in the two-ending paradigm. BUT just for you there is a shortcut in the new patch (shift+P) that goes to the perfect ending. ✌️

nothing stays dead around here!! yes, a classic of holesome inter-tainment...

thank you. glad to know what feelings it made <333

(1 edit)

πŸ₯Ή πŸ‡Ύ πŸ‡ͺ πŸ‡Έβ—β—


mastery of both dimensions... thank you too πŸ’œ

what a sweet gift. yes, i needed to get that deep itch. thank you πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ₯©

thank you. happens more than you'd think!! πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ

autosave winds! incredible! sweeping past the typographic rivers...
thank you, a lovely travelogue πŸ—ΊοΈ bountiful world!!!!

I love that
thanks for telling me about it
a whole world nested away...
I had to hide computer things from parents too.
interesting to know about the OS differences. like playing on a different difficulty...

what a catalyst! a stab of adrenaline! glad it could shake some things loose. yeah, that kind of relationship is so complicated--the intensity is addictive, even if it hurts. and yes--so many people can live inside the head. I think SW has some of that in it. thanks for the review, and good luck with the metamorphosis πŸ¦‹βŒ


❌!! >:]
feel free to send me a link, i'm interested!

hahaha the Help menu that's so funny
you did so good imo! this is the lesson of dying well...

I made Armada, yeah. I use Twitter, Tumblr, etc, you can find the links on my profile.

i don't do content warnings but it probably contains every possible trigger. good luck!

thank you!! panic attacks feel so fucking bad. i'm flattered! ❣️

if i could pick a one line serious weakness review that would be it
thank you <3

i responded elsewhere but thank you so much, loved reading this review πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

thank you!! i agree, i would love to visit a 4x2 Water Tiles and 4x1 Grass Tiles one day... 🀩

<333 thank you!!  what a beautiful picture...congrats on your brocom+ melon balling πŸ©ΈπŸ©ΈπŸ©ΈπŸ‰

like remembering a dream...i understand. that's very sweet, yay πŸ›πŸŒŒ

i remember that conversation, it was very encouraging early on after finishing the book. thank you <3

thanks for the review :] yeah i made it a very long time ago but it's fun trying to beat the levels quickly, i tried to make them as tight as possible. good job to your little brother! squish da eyebawl!!!

thank you, i forgot i made this so it was nice to read it with zero recollection and be like oh this is actually pretty funny lol. thanks for playing πŸ’œ

thanks so much <333 yeahghhb getting swampy with it!!!! :D

that's beautiful, thank you. it is so nice to find the hard secret things, glad you could keep going. πŸ’œ

thank you πŸ’œπŸ–€πŸ’š

I'm glad that texture could be there for you. I was fairly psychotic when I wrote it, so that makes sense. thanks for reading and sharing what it meant to you πŸ’œ

pacing around sleeves rolled up smoking those yaoi cigs!! loved this review, thank you πŸ’œ

i'm very moved it could affect you so deeply. thank you πŸ’œ

glad time can bring this warm comfort. thank you <3

what a fun way to find my stuff. it can be so hard to discover new things on the astroturfed net, so finding something one genuinely likes through a random search feels even more special. thank you for stopping by <3

i've never played runescape but i'm a runescape ally. thank you for absorbing our travelogue! πŸ—ΊοΈπŸ˜‹