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A member registered Nov 10, 2018 · View creator page →

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haha, I had fun. The voice acting made me laugh too - it was really good. Good job

it's a game jam, why is it for $3 or any amount at all. 

Our conclusion is that the devs are sleeping xd

It says they didn't actually fight head to head but did so through passive means? Like politics and stuff. I'm just gonna make a war game between United and Soviet but that won't be historically accurate..can I still do it?

Biblical Definition Of Hell

For those that want it

Hell is where sinners AND demons go after God(Jesus Christ) comes again(or when unrepentent people die) . One misconception is that Satan(Lucifer) rules hell along with his fallen angels/demons. The truth is that  hell was made for him(to be punished not to rule over), and because us humans choose to live under sin(things we do that are bad for us) we'll be sent there too by our own choice.


Really great game Mate! I had no bugs and it was just fun! The difficulty is there and the skill increase with time is perfect so that it doesn't reamain hard forever. I really love the art and the colors, and the cutscene at the beginning was cool.

I enjoyed playing it. The music is good, and the art is fun to look at. 



did y'all say platformer and also pixel art(in your head), check out my board

I already sag

2 frame max animations.

Animation with 2 key frames / 2 sprites.


Finish the game in a day, spend the rest of the time polishing.

3D or 2D

Im gonna make a Third person game where you play on a team identified by their color vs another team with the goal of knocking each other off a platform using the main mechanic.

Color - The spectral composition of visible light

But fr, who's doing 3D?

Unreal 4 

JK kk unity :(

I laughed so hard

I really enjoyed it. The movement is alright and the art style is cool, though I think the environment is a little emty, or bland. The invisible wall sucks a little. Maybe add another light source to add a little er. Depth. What I like most is the world interaction (the part with the log). Maybe make more scenarios like that. 

How much downloads did you get on this? Just a thought as I made a game with the same name and same jam lel. I didn't complete mind in time cause I started late.

I would have a gave a more distinctive comment but the game looks perfect in my eyes.

I enjoyed it very much.

are they separate or connected into one scene. Like a demo file or something. I'm terrible at setting up environments. Heh.

Will this work in unity

I was very confused I what I was supposed to do when I got in the game. Just walk around and fight? Other than that, I really liked the enemies attack animations.

I think the menu was kinda cool. Got a little mad when I had to waited for it to come back Everytime I missed but it was fun. Kinda like a little mini game.