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A member registered Oct 01, 2018 · View creator page →

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the bpm is set in the midi itself

I thought it might be useful for when the arrow is deflected

You are, hands down, one of the greatest content creators on itch. Everything you produce is incredible, high quality and inspirational.

Hi! I believe for this particular song I used one-note sampled instruments from Hyper Potions


Thanks! I appreciate the feedback :)

Thanks Anwynn :)


Whatever license allows you to use it in your commercial or non-commercial projects, but not reupload the song elsewhere. Credit is welcome but not at all necessary.

thank youu :3

Many thanks :)

Since these are AI generated, it would be nice if you could disclose it on the page. Please also take a look at the guidelines:

I played this far longer than I should have. Guess you can't beat the classics! The easy and normal bots were a tad too slow, but hard was a nice challenge. The little beeps and boop sound effects went nicely with the retro minimal design. Long live Pong.

Thanks! Yeah I tried, but I couldn't find the vibe of music I was looking for. Would have found it eventually, but I ran out of time unfortunately.

Thanks so much for your comment. Really lifts my spirits to see feedback like this, thank you.

Thanks for playing, and nice work! 25 is no small feat :O

I found myself enjoying this more than I initially thought I would. Shifting the color tones around to dynamically change the environment was really clever. The signpost that explains it was very welcome because I was confused until I read it. It's a hard game to put down because it makes you want to push on and see what's coming next, which is good design.
If I was going to nit-pick I would say using a, d for left, right and space for jump feels a little awkward, but I understand why seems you use the mouse as well. Other than that, I had fun. Great entry!

Many thanks for playing and your comment :)

Oh damn, good to know. I reported a few this morning and it said the reports would go to the jam hosts :/

It's not

No, thank you for the great music!

Honored to push this music pack to 30 5 stars

I've had the soundcloud on repeat. This is really well made. Nice work!

Would give this 10 stars if I could. Excellent recreation! I had no idea this was even possible in Scratch.

I pretty much did what Arks said. Just took one of the run frames and moved his head up a little. To make it a little more apparent he's not grounded I added a fall animation where his legs are forward and he looks down. The tail wags a little.

Had an idea. Instead of GAMEBOY written up the side of the box, you could put GBJAM11

From the front page, "All assets must be created during the jam.". One would assume this applies to logos as they are also assets.

The way I'd look at it is, it's just a visual indicator for mobile input and not part of the actual game itself, so it would be acceptable. Buttons on the gameboy are located outside of the game screen, so why can't this be too?

It's definitely something to keep in mind. For optional stuff like that I'd wait until the game is finished, and if you have time then add it in. It's worth having binding options if you can fit it in.

Everybody needs help, even if it's your 50th game. There's always something someone will know that you don't, so I can't imagine there's any issues seeking out help when you need it. Just remember, there's a big difference between using references and pulling large chunks of external code into your game :P

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You can use ANY colors in the world, as long as there's only 4 of them on the screen. If you mean on a really technical level, the shades were determined by the hardware it was running on, so I can't really answer that.

(1 edit)

There's no restrictions on how things look like (ie: menus and other UI elements). As long as you're using a 160x144 resolution and there's only 4 colors on the screen at one time, you're good to go.

I've always been pretty curious about MonoGame. I'm more comfortable with code/frameworks, but I don't have any experience with C#, so I'd be learning a new language and framework at the same time.

That's fair! They are pretty close, so it's not far off. I just find many games like to use z and x (especially pico-8, tic80 fantasy consoles, etc), so they are always the first two buttons I try when playing a game.

Personally I like to use arrow keys for movement, z and x for the A and B buttons. Enter for start, shift for select

You've picked a great place to dip your toes in the water. Gameboy games are pretty basic in nature: you only have to worry about 4 colors, the art doesn't need to be highly detailed (and honestly, with few colors it can be messy if they are over detailed) and mechanics are usually simple. So don't try to over-complicate it.
If you're not too comfortable with coding and don't have someone to help you on this project, you could give something like GDevelop a go. It uses visual scripting, and you're able to set the screen resolution to that of a gameboy. There's templates available to help get you started and plenty of well-made tutorials.
Also, it's free and can export to web and desktop.

Most of all, have fun with it. Game jams are incredibly fun and you can learn a lot. It's also a great way to network with other people by collaborating.

Best of luck!

I understand wanting to use the logo from an authenticity standpoint, but the Nintendo logo is copyright material so I would strongly advise against it. Perhaps you can create a logo inspired by it with a different name instead.

That sounds really nice. I'm glad I asked you to upload a demo now xD

Haha, thank you Polyducks. I'll sleep soundly at night now.