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A member registered Apr 23, 2022 · View creator page →

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Hi all,

I'm a solo programmer using OpenGL and SDL2 in C++  keen to participate in this game jam and thought it would be fun to do so in a team. I'm open to anyone with any skills in art, design, programming, music, etc - please leave a comment!

About me:

I've recently got into OpenGL after using SDL2's CPU based graphics system for a while, and have gave myself the challenge of making and releasing one project a week on my profile. I've done 2 game jams before, one with a friend I know in real life, and another before that with people from around the world.

The two finished games from those jams are listed here:

On both of these game jams I took on the programming role, with LucyDreams being written in C++ by myself as the sole programmer.

I'm still really new to OpenGL and it can take a bit to get even simple concepts (like rotation and scaling) up and running in projects, so I've joined this game jam to further myself in OpenGL and meet new people.

I'd love to hear some responses!

PlutoHat (:

Thanks so much!

Yoo! the ball bounce is epic. Do you have the source code for this? I really want to see the physics..

Yeah, after talking to Cerberus, we decided to keep that in as it was kinda fun to do.

Glad you had fun!

Thanks! I hope you enjoyed it.

This is the most unique concept I've seen this Jam. The feature of using the pickaxe wasn't explained, but apart from that, the game seems polished and is fun. I love the random generation.

Really Fun!

Love the use of perlin noise,  a great idea for this limitation.

I did find the gameplay to be not as fleshed out as it could have been. Although the random generation is epic, more attention to the core attacking gameplay may have made the game more rounded.

Overall, A really successful & enjoyable submission!

YOO massive cat eat box.

This was short but enjoyable.

Would have loved secret for eating all boxes.

I like box.


Yep, Cerberus created the music & sound effects with an online program called BeepBox.

Thanks for the positivity!

Yeah it actually took me a little while to beat. I got there though. Thanks for the positive review!

Thank you!

The clouds generation isn't anything special, just some random numbers and a sine wave for the bouncing. I'd be happy to give the source code privately. Also, the code is pretty rubbish being only made in 3 days.

(The framework I made about a week earlier. Just general stuff like drawing to the screen and basic collision.)

Contact me at:    If you still want the source code.

Wow. That is a lot of possibilities. The embrace of the limitation is great.

I'm confused about how to limitation was used. I like the driving of the vehicle, especially when you go over a bump and go into midair. How do the boxes affect gameplay?

Side Note: are there any more levels? Cause I'd love to play them.

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There is actually an ending!!!! It takes 19 screens to make it to the ending. Each level is progressively harder as you ascend into space.

Go to the top of the screen to advance to the next level.

Ill add that very important note to the description. Sorry about that.


This was a really cool game! AMAZING levels & cutscene art for 72 hours. Gameplay was also enjoyable, although I found the jumping mechanic slightly hard. Once I got the hang of it it was alright.

Overall, Great Job!

Thank you! Cerberus enjoyed creating them.

I hope the game was  fun too.

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This was quite fun. I found lazer gun was best as it can take out clowns easily. However, I still got overwhelmed ):

I think i got over 300 points.

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Thanks for the flexibility, but my Game Jam group has decided now that we have enough developers.

I hope you find a cool team to join.

P.S. Our game is going to be made in C++ with SDL2.

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Hey RHod12! Just  wondering what programming language you like / can code in.
