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A member registered Oct 16, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thanks for playing :)

Thanks for the feedback!

Interesting idea, but as it's already mentioned here, controls can be improved ;)


 Haha, It's free to play. This is because last time someone downloaded HTML files and tried to sell it as a template 

Thanks for the feedback!

Thank you for the feedback! The bug about best score will be fixed :)

Sure, I will give it a try :)

Thanks :)

Great idea! Thanks for the feedback!

Thanks for the feedback!

Thank you! Will try to improve

Thanks for the feedback!

Thanks for the feedback!

Thanks for playing and suggestions! Will try to improve it :)

Yey! Thanks for playing!

Thank you!

Nice and very very challenging :) If I will not stop playing, I'll break my mouse, Karl! 


It's like "only up" with a bird) Great concept! I had a problem with on where should I go next. In the most of cases I found the way  how to go down and not how to go up xD

Thank you for the feedback!

That was fun to play! Great idea and realization. The only issue I've found that I can't add "Playrea" to leaderboard. After pressing "R" it restarts the level xD 

Great one! Would be good to have the road with another color :)

Thank you for the feedback!

I'm sure you could do better :)

Thanks for the kind words :)

Thanks for playing! Glad you liked it :)

That's a great score :) Thanks for playing my game and for the feedback! 

Thank you :)

(1 edit)

My keyboard even doesn't have NUM_PAD block xD

I've investigated a few popular web platformers and some of them are using the following:

Will check a few more. Thanks anyway!

Great work for a such short time! Keep improving it :)

Fun art and interesting to play. Need to improve balance a bit, as after some quantity of waves I was like unbeatable and it became a bit boring. Option to turn off music/sounds would be also great :)

Great puzzle game! UI is clear and understandable. I like how the inventory is implemented ;)

Thanks! Haha, he doesn't care from what he will make a ketchup :)

What controls in your opinion will be the best? It will be 2 players game, so I need to set up Player 1 : Jump (Space),  Hit ( ? ) and Player 2: Jump ( ? ), Hit ( ? ). I have more experience in mobile gaming, so not sure about the best practices on desktop))

Thanks in advance!

Thanks for the feedback! What controls you can recommend for Player 1: Jump (Space) / Hit ( ? ) and Player 2:  Jump ( ? ) / Hit ( ? )? I can improve it in the next version :)

Thank you!

Thanks, I'll will make it faster :)

Nice result! Thanks for sharing :)

Super relaxing game! I like the mechanic and art

Thanks!  I'll improve it in the next version :)