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A member registered Dec 03, 2018 · View creator page →

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The aesthetic is gorgeous! Would be nice if I could prematurely submit my speech when I'm done. Had a great time playing this game :)

thanks pooner!

Hey Forbes, put that in the top 10 jobs of 2020 🍦

I'm glad you liked it 🌴🥥🥥

You are your own boss. You are self-employed. 

It's a masterpiece

Love that everything in the world is interactable. Had a couple of bombs with negative time remaining so I just fed it to the monster to get rid of it XD


A very unique game idea! The names were a little bit confusing but WOW the polish is good. Great job on the production!

I didn't know what I had to do in the beginning. After a while I caught on and realized this game is a masterpiece! Played it to the end and enjoyed it thoroughly!

Really simple yet addicting game. Had me playing for many rounds. The balance was very well designed too. Near the end, every time I thought I was gonna die, I miraculously destroy all of the soldiers :D 

Very simple yet striking graphics. Keep it up!

Very cool game that got me hooked from the start. If only it was a different key to enter the spaceship. I kept jumping around and entering the spaceship accidentally haha

Lots of details like sound effects and little animations on interactions. Feels a bit grindy but great job on the polish though!

Lots of details like sound effects and little animations on interactions. Feels a bit grindy but great job on the polish though!

A very intricate game.  Sweet graphics and music in the back.

I played through all the levels and had a blast solving each puzzle. Great job crafting each level :D

Interesting team building mechanic. I had a whole crew of blue tanks behind me. Still not sure what the watch tower does though :)

Very neat little game. Had me playing for longer than I want to admit 🙈

My eyes are open

The music really brings out the eeriness of the theme

Very addicting gameplay. The plot had me on the edge of the seat.

Wish this had a sequel

Very cool game. Looking forward to the sequel!

have you tried turning it off and on again?

Not gonna lie, Everbloom is the best right now