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A member registered Nov 27, 2023

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boss too hard


S7 is a shooter RPG where your goal is to kill everyone else (?)

+ Nice music and visuals
Green AWP👤4,700 HP💪329 Armor🤷‍♂️201 MR💦 1 Shot 🚫 Infinite ammo 🛡 Cost 0 money 🧱Has Big hitrange🌪Cooldown is only☝second too🕐 It costs 0 Mana🧙‍♂️

- No ending, only beginning

I think the premise on the game is quite mainstream, which is a good sign because you are able to get players of all ages interested and enjoy this game. I also like the face that you use the setting of aliens and humans to drive the game's environment and story, however, I feel like this is insufficient and unrealistic based on the statistics of the number of aliens vs humans in existence; It will  be a near impossible scenario where the astronaut will end up the situation described on your game.

However, do you know what is possible? Switch the number of aliens and the number of humans on the spaceship. Not only it is more statistically correct but it also opens a new premise and a new way to play the game.

Now imagine if the aliens can shapeshift into humans. The humans know there is an alien onboard, so they will need to kill the alien with social deduction since the alien now looks and feels like a normal human however it might not be able to communicate as well as one. Since the alien is pretending to be a human, we might also call the aliens "Impostors"

The humans will have to go through their day to day, however the aliens have to ensure their survival by killing the humans. The impostors can sabotage the humans tasks or straight up murder them. The humans on board will of course be away of this and be able to report the body, where they need to find out who is the killer (which is most likely the impostor)

The humans will have to vote on a member of the crew to eject and kill. The result of the vote will be based on social interaction and deduction which will turn the tide for the humans, or it will aid the impostors benefit.

Sounds fun right? I think I know the perfect name for a game like this, its called "AMONG US". Feel free to email be if you are intrested and we can work this out, cheers.


(1 edit)

Lost knight is a simple RPG game where the player has to locate an objective with limited sight and resources.

+ Well done on the aesthetics part of the game, the characters and textures does not feel out of place. 
+ There is a good storyline and a clear goal on what the game wants the players to achieve, 

= There is a learning curve on the mechanics. The player is not sure what to do when there are enemies since we are presented with options to throw and enable / disable the torch, only to find out that it does nothing and the only choice is to escape.

- I feel like I did not explore the game's full potential. The objective is easy to find because the enemies chase me there. I did not have the need or the incentive to explore the rest of the map and unlock the rest of the gameplay mechanics.


PathAstray is a simple 2D run and gun platformer

+ I like the dash mechanic implemented in the game, a unique approach makes this game faster-paced than other platformers in the gamejam. 
+ Some special effects of the game is well done, which improves the overall look and feel of the game
+ There is a basic combat system implemented with non 1-shot enemies

- If there is a storyline or a goal in this game, I did not understand it as i did not complete the game and got lost (literally).
- Without a clear goal or a storyline, it feels like this game is a run and gun sandbox.


Byte In is a simple sandbox game where the user is able to build virtual elements in a virtual world while relaxing

+ The game is well polished from an aesthetics standpoint, the textures are in place and the audio track suits the setting of the game. 
+ The game mechanics work as intended, I am able to select and build buildings on the places I want them to be without any major issue
+ The game is a 3D rendered game, which deserves credit compared to all the other 2D rendered games in the gamejam

= I noticed there are some currency implemented in the game, I do not think there are any other game elements that interacts with the currency other than the purchasing of buildings. I would recommend spending time on other important aspects of game instead of building something which remains unused.

- Since the game is a 3D game, a more complex camera should be expected to be able to fully inspect a 3D object. The map's camera is only able to zoom and move, it is not able to pan and rotate (I am not able to find the controls) which locks be at viewing my world at 1 angle only 
- I can tell that the game is going in a sandbox direction, which might not be what the theme of the gamejam wants.


Lost RL is a simple 2D platformer where the character needs to recover memory shards to progress the story

+ Good work is put into the graphical and environmental aspect of the game, the textures and animation is well polished
+ The game has a low learning curve, its easy and obvious what the controls are and I am able to play the game as it is intended without spending too much time learning

- The trap does not work as it should, I dont think there is a life / death system implemented in the game although it is stated in the instructions to avoid them
- Although there seems to be a storyline for the game,  it is not complete and there are is no ending for the game


Dungeon Amisis is a simple puzzle dungeon game where the player has to decipher hidden meanings behind an element in the game.

+ Well polished game, not only the visual and auditory aesthetics are nice, the game runs smoothly and without performance issues
+ Work was put into the environmental aspect of the game, where it makes the game feel natural and immersive
+ There is an existence of a story and an end goal which fits the theme, which does not make this game a sandbox

= One of the challenges on the game is that the player needs to remember past clues by memory, which might be something a player might find difficult / engaging. An option to have a log / diary system for puzzles can be explored.

- The ending confused me during my first attempt as the textures of coins did not load properly, however I managed to get it fixed after my second playthrough where I waited for a while for the textures to load.


Kavern is a strategy based 2D platformer game that gives the players a new perspective to navigate the levels with inverted gravity

+ Polished game with proper graphics, textures and audio, there are no bugs that I can find which affects the gameplay despite its unique mechanics.
+ Options menu for customization, which allows the user to be able to interact and play the game at their own comfort

= This game is quite difficult as it does not only have gravity shifting to navigate levels, it also treats visibility as a resource. The player has to plan several steps ahead on order to solve a level and there are also quite some trial and error required, which the player might find cumbersome or engaging.

- I noticed that there are no checkpoints in levels, which might be a frustration for bigger levels where the player is sent back to the beginning of the level for a small mistake

Night crawler is a well made game for this particular theme and within this time frame. It takes an innovative approach on level navigation that is easy to pick up, and interactive.

+ The itself does not require much polishing, it is sufficient for the complexity of the game.
+ The learning curve is linear, levels dont have a high learning curve that requires me to spend too much time to practicing but yet it is not too easy that makes the game stale
+ Innovative mechanics which suit the theme, where the user has to rely on other senses than plain sight to navigate around the map

- Strictly speaking, although there is a clear objective, there is a lack of storyline that goes with it. However it should just be minor addition as long as it does not deviate from the presentation of the main gameplay mechanics
- The only actual complaint I have is that this game is just a short demo


- The game is not launchable which may be the absence of the pck file which is required along with the game executable. Cant say much on this without reviewing the games content.

+ Nice thumbnail
