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(1 edit)

Ahh yes. I did receive the ticket for my email on may 6th, but there was no response besides the automatic confirmation (ticket #207793). Updated the OP with the ticket #, as per the rules.

Sent an email from a completely different email client and no response. What automated response are you talking about?

Because some people wanted to play previous builds of the game. You're implying I'm trying to use the platform as a code repository because I want to preserve previous versions of the game launcher? ...what? To address that second part...the issue with Godot exports commonly flagging wasn't something I was aware of until now, and I will look into that. It would help if support was reachable to know if that's actually why the page was quarantined...

(1 edit)

Yes, I did check spam/junk. The messages show as sent, with no indication that they weren't delivered.

I'm relatively new to itch so I'm still not sure yet how to preserve previous builds of the project, without making a new page. I suppose it flags for malware on your virus scanner? That will auto flag any .exe it doesn't recognize yea? I haven't looked into how to get around that yet since the project is still in the early stages of development, and the builds I put out are just for testing.

That's why I sent a second email 4 days later. There was no response to either emails, which is what I wrote in the OP.

(7 edits)

I have read the docs at and still have a question. My game is both quarnatined, and not getting indexed. Regarding your docs, I have followed each step:

1. I searched for my game by the title to see if it was indexed, and it was not there
2. Visible & Access is set to public in my game's edit settings
3. I have a cover image (and video)
4. My project is available for download in both dmg and exe, for free
5. I have done none of the following:
- Creating spammy pages, using disruptive imagery, purposefully being obnoxious, faking comments/views/downloads, abusing tags, or having confusing or misleading instructions/content may result

Furthermore, I looked over all your quality guidelines and have not violated any, which are:

Moreover, I have contacted on the 6th of may and again on the 10th, and did not receive a reply of any kind (besides the automated ticket number for the may 6th email, ticket #207793)

My page should be indexed and not quarantined because the project is a legitimate project, which already has a community on discord and 70 downloads despite being quarantined. My account is a legitimate account, which was used previously to purchase content on your platform. The game has both a cover image, and a video.

Regarding your last rule which is: "If you still need to make a topic about a Support Request, you must include your ticket ID with your message.", because has been non-responsive I'm forced to post here, and because there is no automated ticket sent back via email, there is no ticket ID that I'm able to include.

I am making this post because those interested in my game are frequently reminding me the game is quarantined, and asking me why it's quarantined.