Great game ! Loved the character and story, and the Castile is a very original universe for a game. Puzzles are very good too (except i really didn't understood why the game says to you to respect the order on the list, and then it appears you don't have to follow it ? Certainly my fault, i surelyd idn't get something right). The ending is also very surprising and full of promises. I wishlist on steam and i will look for the complete game. Bravo !
Norman Bates
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Thanks man !! You can't imagine how much your vid and your feedbacks at the end are helping me. And again sorry you're version was broken... may i ask : were you playing on linux or PC ?
The puzzles difficulty will be corrected in the next update. In the future i don't think the game will rely so much on puzzles. I heard feedbacks and i see how frustrating it can be, so i will correct this. And polish the english version. Thanks a lot for the kind words about the game !
yeah man you had it right exactly… i got back home at Night, watched closely your full video and cried… It was a Satanic bug which was only present on the Windows version (and i didn’t notice it because i work on mac). It’s fixed by now !! I m so sorry man that it ruined your let’s play ! Your video was so cool and you clearly had it ! You would have finished the game… Btw If someone reads me, I would be happy to know if the Linux version is properly working as i can’t test it myself… mac and pc are fixed now.
Thank man for your understanding and for Debunking this awful bug ! You deserve the 4 millions :-)
oh thank you man you’re so kind ! I m so sorry for that puzzle, i put the solutions on this page for today and it will be reworked by tomorrow… However you helped me A LOT with your run ! it’s very hard to find people to test and give feedbacks these days, and the game is still a prototype. Thx for the positive words on the story, you will have more and better soon in Chapter 1 !