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A member registered Mar 14, 2016 · View creator page →

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If one wanted to make an MP game and was able to within the time limit would it be considered against the rules to use something like PUN (Photon Unity Networking) for Unity?  I would use UNET but want something that doesn't requiring sharing ip addresses and PUN is so much clearer/easier to code.

Really like the concept once I figured out how to beat the level!  Don't recall what the score was but I was able to do it in about 7 moves at best :)  Definately could use a more helpful tutorial if you continue with it.  Was there supposed to be only 1 level?

Craziness going on wit dem bullets!  Love the feels though!  Very well done you guys!  Not sure if the bullet mechanics are supposed to be how they are but they are definately magical ;P

Thanks for checking it out!!!  Yeah the biggest time suck was learning Godot and understanding it's in's and outs.  Also dealing with figuring out the best pathfinding solution but I was able to get something setup!  I was hoping to aim on some of the "core" mechanics being completed.

As it stands inventory is just a holder for resources which you dump at your home base (and probably other home bases as I think about how the code is setup) but some explanation of that would be nice.  I'll definately keep it noted as I continue development!