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A member registered Jan 01, 2022 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Thank you kindly! Hope the game leads you to many wild adventures!

Yo, this is a fabulous and very cute game.  The blue Reveal on Level 10 is fabulous, and made me smile.

Any possibility of a Linux version?  
Would love to play.

Okay, having had more time to think, and you asking about deck types that are different but have depth:

I think you could get really far with a bunch of dudes who "Eat mana", in the sense of "When you target me with a spell, I get +1/+1"   "When you target me with a spell, I create a minion"  "When you target me with a spell I get a free attack" and the like.

Then, replace the various curse/summon/protection spells with ONLY spells which target your dudes. Maybe a healing spell? MAybe a "+1/+1 bonus" spell, maybe a teleport spell that swaps two of your units... or maybe a "Manaflare" spell which doesn't target anyone, but activates ALL "mana eater" abilities (or... activates an entire row at any rate).

It makes it a little less "Auto", but I think the monster-spell back and forth could work in a cool and interesting way much like the Bard/summoner back and forth.

Maybe even have a monster who refreshes a spellbock on death (If in row one, is book one, if in row three is book three).

The other thing I can image is having monsters that get boosted from deaths in their row. In a like "On kill enemy, get +1/+1" (Great vs sneaks),  Or "If an enemy dies in this row, deal one damage to the backmost enemy"

And... in terms of other ideas:
Like, things that you put in your backmost column, and then, if an enemy reaches them, SOMETHING happens (Maybe 5 damage to the first enemy to reach them? Maybe 1 damage to the whole row if an enemy reaches them? Maybe summon charms first ally to meet them, who knows)

Okay, this swapping back and forward tango sounds cool as hell.

Okay, so, first off: thank you so much for such an amazing game. I love it, it is special. I am still trying to get a 6 turn win with the new updates.

In terms of ideas for decks: I reckon a frankenstien deck to go with the necromancer deck (Zombies instead of skeletons. Tech instead of magic. Lighting rods and shit, little green/turquise hearts instead of pink ones?). I can also imagine a "Shadow summoner" deck, or a ghost deck.  (Yes, they are all undead, but hell, the whole cutesy/spooky you have here is a VIBE)

In terms of gameplay ideas... I am going to spitball a million billion ideas, none of which are particularly thought out, and maybe one of them will be useful.

I really do believe that a teleport spell would be amazing gameplay.

In terms of deck archetypes, I think the main thing with the skeleton deck is that there is very low interaction BETWEEN rows.

I can imagine having a monster/effect which boosts everything in a particular COLUMN, and playing on inter-row interaction. That or monsters which like... zoop around between rows somehow? Or monsters that can ONLY be placed in the top row (Zepplin?) or have some other restriction of that kind?  Basically, something which breaks the symettry between rows, or makes rows more interactive with one another.

I think you could build a deck around this, without having it be "Single strategy".

I can imagine having a deck with monsters which take Two spaces (Horses?) Not sure of gameplay, or if is possible in your engine, but is a possible design space.

I think having monsters that explode for damage on death is  a mechanic you haven't used, which could belong somewhere... or a monster which is bad in combat but deals bonus damage to the castle. Or bad in combat, but steals gold from the castle. Basically "On castle" effects seems like an area which you could use, but probably not the basis for a deck.

(Maybe even "On hit castle, deal one damage to king?")

Monsters with an On purchase effect could be interesting. As a base example, having some bats with "On purchase, Spy" could work.

I think you could have some strategy (possibly woven into a larger deck) which interacts on spells more.  Possibly with minions such as "On death, refresh one page from this rows spell book" so that you get more spell uses.  Or... alternatively "On kill, harvest souls, gain spell uses"?

Another possibility is... an army which gets to permanently screw with the battlefield? Like, when your spike gremlin dies, it leaves behind spikes which damage enemies this battle, and for many battles to come?

Potentially, having a unit which is undercosted, and overpowers and.... only lasts for one battle. Its there, and then gone. (Is that bad? Is it a newbie trap? Don't know).

Or... units with a different movement rate (Probably double speed). Not sure what the speed does for the game, but its something that could exist.

I kind of like the idea of a unit with zero damage, but lots of health, and then units that blast damage when they are NOT moving (like, units that like to be stalled).

If you wanted to get really different and weird, I guess you could have a Kaiju style deck, where you start with a single monster, and you just strap more and more stuff to the one big monster you have, and then use it to smash everything?  ... Hmmm... that sounds cool, but probably doesn't match the actually gameplay you've got going on so well.

In terms of new enemy's... Maybe a Wizard tower? With mages, and apprentices, and lighting? 

Or a Church/cathedral come down to smite you for being a Necromancer, and you instead of a castle its a big gothic cathedral, and instead of a king its a... big priest?

Whatever you do, I look forward to seeing it, it is all amazing. Thank you thank you thank you.

Glitched into the ground at first ladder. :(

Ohhh- looking forward to playing with these changes. Should be cool.

Me and the brother once did it in 5. (This was BEFORE the recent update, so probably impossible now).

I got reasonablly reliable at doing it in 7. You probably want to focus on rats, and loading up flying skulls with Funny bones (creates a chain of skulls and bones)

Nah, there's a fair few ways to beat him.

I've taken down The King using an straighforward armor+Sword build (Just let the spikes slow down, and with spikes of your own beat regen), an Arrow build (Who cares about spikes if I am long ranged!) and a Metal Wand/broken ring build. It's doable, just a bit tricky and weird.

Very nice. A good two hour game, lots of fun characters, I managed to nail the killer on my second guess. The reveal at the end was lovely, and I got to put a hammer to good use. Wonderful.

(1 edit)

Very nice.

A good two hour game, lots of fun characters, I managed to nail the killer on my second guess. The reveal at the end was lovely, and I got to put a hammer to good use. Wonderful.

EDIT: annnnndddd... I didn't post this on the main page. Never mind

So, as a follow up for this tip: for me "Enough lives" was around 100. 


I have just finished the "special level", burning through ~70 lives in the process... and can I just say: This game is sick. Truly the result of a diseased mind. The difficulty ramp up is perfect, starting out "Sure fine", and ramping up to... uhhh... truly deranged levels.     All the hidden knooks and crannies feel great, and reward exploring. The various "key coins" are hidden in great spots. And the story elements from the orginal video are woven in nicely.

Gotta say, did take me a while to figure out what the controls are the controls. (Up is speak? "Special" is both roll and used mid jump to "pop")

Very cool. Very nicely done. There is so much I love here, and so much I hate (God damn those Drop platforms in the special level with the roll-jump-hop needed).

Thanks for a great game.

Went to settings menu to select fullscreen.
No "Return to main menu" button. Became trapped forever.


Not sure if Glitch, or just oversight, but either way, something didn't work.

Wait.... WAIT....

Your character, has perpetual bad luck and Bad Juju.    
Runes tells us that its 1000 years of bad luck to talk about "it".

... is that the explaination. Did we literally get told the grand plot? In some past life or whatever, our chatacter talked about something and earned themselves 1000 years bad luck?

Cause like... that would be hilarious. The entire plot revealed in act one, by the joke character, as part of a joke

I kind of love the way that the controls are a bit jank, and hence I keep screaming at random, but like... its still ME doing it, not just the computer. Very good vibes.

A+. Good sokoban puzzle/metroidvania, with just enough story line to give a sense of progress (as opposed to pure sokoban Lvl number).
Nice use of having some solutions be available only from certain directions, and the gradual short cut and ability accumulation through-out the game. Very well balanced, and good feelings of returning to old places and being able to solve them in new ways.  
Seeing Owl early and previewing all those final puzzles over and over again before FINALLY being ready for them? Very good feel.

So, option D above is already true (cost of 2 coins after 3 views). 

Option 1 above is also kind of true (you get given nine coins, so there's one spill over coin for a "free" re-roll.

Option 2 is cool. Note sure about suggestion 3 - what are you hoping to gain there? Personally I like the speed of ramp.

Idea 4 listed above is already implemented (little spiral arrow, bottom right, took me ages to find as well).

^ This.

A couple dumb requests:
I feel like a "Teleport" spell to swap the location of two of your troops would be cool as hell, and tactically very deep (while having limited direct "power".

I feel like have special ending if you manage to hit the king with a Level 3 Succubus would be cool (high level succubus are generally kinda pointless, but having them gift a special ending feels like a cool trade off for the investment?)

I feel like a "bomber" skeletonne with bad stats, but high castle damage would be awesome.

Uhhhhh... Oh! and not sure if it's good gameplay, but having a UNIT which grants spying would be cool (possibly replacing the "pay two gold to spy" thing?).

Not sure.

Overall, the game is beutifully balanced, and now I just want other things which mess with the balance in interesting ways.

Yo, just started reading, and just wanted to say: this setting is cool as hell.
Am really enjoying the weird/offbeat world set up and vibes, the formatting is sleek, and art is cool.

Looking forward to getting into the rules/characters etc. this whole thing looks really well done.  (Will post more updates as I go)

6 Turn Victory. 

Hell. Yes.

Piles of Level 1 summoners are the way. Also, judious use of spying, and deliberately "losing" lanes where the castles is strongest so as to push through 4 summoners in the lane where they are weakest.

Also, flying Skulls+funnybones is hilarious.

So, this game was weird.

The RNG just kept giving me Archers, and I kept taking them (6 archers by round 3, 10 by end of game? so like... nearly half my units?)  Mid game consisted of just... archers killing everything before my armies even made contact? 

Turns out: 1 or 2 archers= chaotic and inconsistent,   4 x lvl 2 archers= kill everything.   Archers are better in high volumes.

Early Lvl 3 archers gave access to early succubus, and then Medic building cranked up her HP.  Absolutely wonderful

Hell. Fucking. Yes.

Turn 7 victory.  Earliest I done before is Turn 9.

Hey, so as a random question, about 1/3 of the time I'll be halfway through a run, and then the window just goes black and stays that way (sound continues).

I figure if its just me, probably not worth worrying about, but if other people are having similar things, might be worth looking into?

(Excellent game btw, beautifully balanced, so many strategies. I am currently sad, as I just lost a run where I was on track to deal 20 damage by round 3. )

But remember- the king is also building!

The slow you play, the bigger the king gets!

Amazing. Beutifully well balanced.

First run, thought I was hot stuff, fought may way all the way to the king, saw his army. O_O
Okay, cool fine, did that battle.
Missed victory by 2 points of damage. -_- 


I love it. I love that the game is so fantastically well balanced, and the synergies between different units are very cool.   The "limited spying" is also a lovely mechnic.

Oh, and the bare bones story of "Rent is due, therefore lets burn down society using necromancy" is hilarious.

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Just use the 25 and 15 from down below. If you try to pick it up a couple times it pushes past Sai's complaints.  I'm sure nothing bad will happen- you don't need lights or containment- right?

Oh no. :(
I'm sorry.  

Also, sorry if comment came off as stating the obvious- Is no tutorial in Paperlily, so I thought maybe someone who hadn't played Kat might get tripped up.    For the running, I suspect the difficulty of the puzzle might be like... computer dependent, as the level of lag etc plays into things.

Best of luck!

Wait- did you know that holding Shift=Run?    The girl is fast, but really shouldn't be catching you that quick if shift being held.

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So, as a couple hints:
1) I can confirm, the game is possible and not broken.

2)Have you played project Kat? If not, that game is something of a tutorial for this one.

3) there is ALWAYS an alternative way of doing things.
Hence, for example, the fuse puzzle is perfectly possible if you are willing to pull out a few of the fuses from below (you don't NEED everything powered). 

4) Getting behind the bars in the lab is useful, but not needed. (Also, there is no valve there).

There are guides to get you through elsewhere in this comments section if you need them, but for now I'd encourage you to try without.  Good luck!

Nice- looking forward to it.

Oh! When you put it on steam (or here?) will their be access to the soundtrack? Am really enjoying the music, especially impressed that it changes so often. (Moth Camp tune is favourite.)

(1 edit)

Okay, so, finished game, and lots of thoughts (And feels!)

Uhhh... so first off, the game is fabulous, absolutely enjoyed, great characters (RUNE! I love Rune so much! Rune is the most adorable demon.). The Art is lovely. The music rocks, characters are fun. We got to see our Girl Kat again. Fabulous.  Puzzles are good and fun, and I already know that this was while playing the "Standard" playthrough, and that there will be all sorts of alternative solutions to those puzzles once I try for alternative endings (So many unexplored locked doors!)


Sai is suspicious as all fuck, and I love it. (Did he knock you out in the stairs? I'm pretty sure there's no one else available who COULD have knocked you out)

I'm... going to play around with some critique, not to give crap, but just because it sounds like you are working on polishing things, and maybe it will be helpful.

Something that really stood out here compared to Project Kat is... I died a lot? Like A LOT. Death was cheap- you just get killed "You died. Retry?"   And that.... creates a *very* different tone to Project Kat.  Like, at the end of Kat, death is *heavy*. Actions have consequences.
 Chpt one leans more on jumpscare, less on creeping dread?   I think it also leads to sort of... when you win, its like "Well yes, THIS Lacie survived, but 100 others didn't" - it feels less Lacie wins through being smart, but just through the power of save scumming. 

...I'm not entirely sure where to go with that though, as the death and danger are an important part of gameplay, It's just something I noticed. Whether you *should* change anything is a question I'm not sure of, but figured I'd flag it as "this is a thing."

I wish the results of burning things in the wrong order were more than just "Game over, try again", though I do like the phrasing "You have made a terrible mistake".   EDIT: Oh- apparently the alt endings will be in the full version. Never mind them, looking forward to it!

OH! The clocktower room. 

The clocktower room that Sai can't enter is magical. I love it.

That room by itself just does like... so much work to sell this sensation of "Rituals are weird and mysterious and *no one* knows how this works", which I think is super important in a game like this... and having moments even Sai is flumoxed by is really nice.

I haven't even finished download yet, and having played Project Kat, I know this is going to be amazing.  So excited to finally see it out. Screenshots are beautiful.

Also- thanks for making it Linux Friendly. Plenty of games don't bother, so is much appreciated.

Hey Chucklemaster: glad you've enjoyed so far.

For example NPC's... in theory it should all be there already *goes and checks*....
And I commented out an entire chapter by mistake. :|
My Bad.

Thank you for spotting!! Much appreciated.

Okay, have updated the document and its all there now, if you re-download then you should have an entire chapter of monsters and NPCs, along with some tips on running combat.

Argll, god damn room 2 has a lot going on in it. So many obvious puzzles you can't solve at the start of the game, and a subtle puzzle you don't notice. Got me stuck, and wasn't till hours later when I was away from the computer that I realized. Very nicely done.

Very nicely done game. Great graphics/general visual asthetic. Good use of robots, and nice REUSE of various elements.

This game is fabulous. The characters are fun, the weapons are exquistely balanced. My win rate is like... 1/3, which feels challenging but not despirting. Also: Mobility is king. Mobility is always king.

You can open the locked door.

I believe you just need to use your hairpin on it to pick the lock.

Going through the locked door (at the correct time, and with the correct insistence) is the only way to reach the best possible ending. Good luck.

I'm assuming you referring to garbled text there?  Is Rot13, a very basic cypher often used in comments sections to avoid spoilers.

Guvf vf na rknzcyr grkg.