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A member registered Sep 07, 2021 · View creator page →

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It's a nice simple game, the level design could take advantage of the unique movement a lil better I feel like, but I enjoyed playing it ^-^

This game looks pretty fun, I wanna print it out and play it :3
One question: What symbols are "sneaky" and "tough" crooks? That detail is omitted in the rules. I assume the shoe and the shield, but I'm not sure

My record is 15 seconds :sunglassesemoji:

Thanks! It was the intention originally yes, but I did end up rushing finishing the game in the end to meet the game jam end date, so I ended up forgetting that in the process :P
You can see the remains of it in how the cursor *does* speed up over time

Thank you! :3

Of course you are the type of person who would add story and writing to Asteroids. As a fellow writer I say that positively :3
Loved the writing, and loved the background music! Did you make it?

Pretty fun! I loved the alt fire, and the sound effects in general, it does feel a bit random when the screen turns tough. The enemies also often didn't go anywhere near me, so there were stretches of time with like, no threats

Really cool game! I really dig (he he) the vibes, reminds me so much of Motherlode and other classic flash games :D
I was a bit confused at first, especially since it isn't very clear that you can mine the blue minerals but not the red ones, but once I got that I enjoyed the twist that the one-button gameplay offered to what would normally be a fairly simple obstacle dodging game, as you have to keep in mind which direction your vehicle is currently going to move towards next, and time your lane switches accordingly.
One thing that feels a bit odd is the fact that you only consume fuel when digging a mineral, but I imagine that having it always ticking down could lead to frustrating RNG.
Either way, it's a really well done game ^-^

Thank you so much! :D
I appreciate it ^-^. I did want to add a bit more mechanically (I actually wanted to add a bug stock market as the secondary mechanic ;P), but ran out of time/energy. Having to please different sectors of your bug subjects would be a cool idea if I decide to expand this game, thank you for the suggestion :3

Oooh nicely done! :3

Really cool game! Shame it is so short, I'd love to see more of this

This game is way way more fun than I expected! It is hard to figure out, but it is also super fun to mess around in, making scuffed machines, and it really is the essence of "it's stupid but it works". It is very user-unfriendly, scuffed, and hard to play, but I enjoyed every second of it. Honestly my favourite game in the jam and I can't believe it

This is really really ambitious for a game jam game made in one weekend, but I think it may have been a bit over ambitious. It looks amazing and it is just really cool, but the gameplay is frustrating, not because of difficulty but because it is very hard to place object, and it just doesn't feel like much is going on. Heard that you were planning to continue work on it, which is exciting cause this game does have a lot of promise :D

I loved the cute nostalgic vibes ^-^. The gameplay was a bit scuffed, it was hard sometimes to get the trains to go the right way, but it gets points for the surprise of being able to control the cars. I don't really know what the puzzles were, I kinda just moved the vehicles that I could move

I loved the surprise when I tried grabbing a car and it worked! It's very cute and very nostalgic, I liked it :3

It's a cool theme, but it feels a bit frustrating to play, as the frogs attack so slow and there's some things in the UI that are unclear. It's well done for the time frame though, and it was fun while it lasted

I had to download .NET to play, but was worth it :).

Got a score of 45, killed so many bugs, sated my bloodlust

Thank you so much! :D. We're really glad that you enjoyed the game ^-^
On the suggestions, we did think about the bomb blinking to indicate when it was close to exploding, though we sorta forgot to implement that in favour of just having the fuse as an indicator for how close it is to exploding. We did think about adding birds too but did not because I didn't have a good idea on how to implement them within the time limit of the jam, your idea for using them similarly to the rockets in Jetpack Joyride is really good! If we update the game I'll look into adding those :3

Thank you! I really like writing, so I take my chances when making games like this to write some fun stuff :3

Report any bugs or unintended exploits you find here!
You will win a piece of virtual candy as a reward :)

Note: Some intended features might come across as glitches on first glance. In case of doubt, feel free to post it here still

Post your general comments on the game here!
All sorts of feedback on the experience is welcome, or just talk about what part made you go "Huh?" the most :)

Won the last case by a 12/7 margin, easy. I wonder who the shadowy figure was the entire time though. mhm...

Strangely relatable as a nonbinary person

The game is extremely polished, I love all the little touches! :D

102 tickets to be exact.

I win.

Cool idea, I like sniping so am biased

A bit over-ambitious, but definitely creative and a really cool game. I like bones

It's very ambitious, and a cool concept, though a little clunky to play in practice. I don't hold it against it though, cause I like it is experimenting

It feels unintuitive that the Snowglobe doesn't affect Mom's Hands at all, since knowing their PvZ equivalents (Freeze mushrooms and Bungee Zombies) one would expect the Mom hands to get frozen or at least slowed down. It feels like there is already very little counterplay against the Mom Hands, so having them be slowed down by the snowglobe, or frozen for a short time, could be a good improvement.

Adding more things that can be different between runs could be nice, cause the replayability is a bit lacking for a roguelike. Things like alt-floors or just alternative enemies, different sets of starting babies instead of always starting with the same few (maybe have the different characters from Isaac with different starting babies each?), and maybe some variance to the boss fights, like different arenas or attack patterns. Basically just more stuff that you'll see in one run that you might not see in another, especially in the early game

Great presentation, great concept, though it is lacking information to the player in-game. Some sound effects would help tell what effects potions have quicker after use

I like it, and it looks very nice, though I would make the darkness darker, since the spikes are fairly visible even without the light

I love the concept, though it was a bit confusing at first because I didn't realize that the platform-placing-map was a top-down view of the platforming-map, and not a sideways view

I really like the concept, and it does have some good potential. I really really wish that player 2 could attack with a different key like right shift for example, since Google Chrome kept constantly interrupting the game to bookmark the page. I think using control on a game that runs on browser is probably better to avoid. I also wish there was a bit more for player 1 to do, maybe something like a double jump or a dash ability to make movement more interesting for them, and to make the two players more distinct so it truly feels like a 2 player game, since currently you can easily play this on your own without even knowing it was meant for two players. Maybe allowing player two to move faster, but being harder to control their movement would help, making the game more interesting by requiring more coordination between the players and making it harder to play it with just one player.

Overall, I am pretty interested to see a new iteration of this game, cause I think it could end up being really fun! It's a really promising prototype and I can't wait to see more

One of the most interesting games I've seen here so far, reminds me of Verlet Swing. A better to stall yourself in the air to have time to move your cursor to the next ball would be highly appreciated since it is hard to be precise enough and fast enough to not overshoot the balls. Having double jumps decrease or outright remove your current horizontal distance like car breaks would help tremendously, as well as decreasing the gravity on the player and making them accelerate slower and/or decelerate faster after dashing at a ball to make chaining dashes between red balls easier. It might also be better to make it so the player cannot collide with the red balls, as it rather kills the flow of movement to suddenly halt when bumping into them, when one wouldn't naturally expect that to happen instinctively. Maybe hitting a red ball could trigger a dash, just like slashing them, so the player can chain through the red balls without having to continuously click for every ball? This automatic dash could grant the player less speed than a manual one from clicking the mouse perhaps, so players would have the option to try to manually hit all dashes to clear levels faster.

Overall, I love this prototype! I would love to play an actual level of this game, and it seems very well fit for speedrunning and trying to beat levels as quickly as possible or without hitting the ground.

Sorry, forgot to upload the .pck for the Updated version. It's included now

I find the concept quite interesting, though I wish it was explained more clearly. A single run-on sentence when you start the game isn't a very clear tutorial. Outside of that, I would suggest adding some brief warning or heads-up of when the state of the fight is going to change between Bushido and Bushidon't, since currently it is such an abrupt change than it is impossible to react fast enough to avoid losing honor if you are holding attack when it happens, and honor drains extremely fast (which makes attacking during Bushidon't to deal extra damage very unviable). The need for quick reaction and wagering risk-versus-reward from the sudden switches is an important part of the game, so it should still stay abrupt, but more indication to the player of when a switch happens would make the game much smoother to play (perhaps adding a sound effect when it happens).

It's a promising concept for a simple 1v1 game that could be pretty entertaining with a little more work, overall. (And I have to admit, the Bushidon't pun is pretty nice)

For a simple prototype, this is pretty fun! I like the smooth feel of moving the katana, and the controls in general, though I wish there was some effect attached to using the quick-turnaround, whether visual or sound. Sound cues for the incoming balls to make it easier to know when a ball is coming would be nice too, as well as perhaps making the balls slower and increasing their speed as the game progresses, since some pretty supernatural reflexes are needed to get some of the balls. The game clicked much better once I started using the quick-turnaround key more often, though as mentioned it is a little disorientating to use.

Overall, pretty promising for a prototype. Could be a really fun game with some more polishing of the difficulty and some better indications given to the player to make it less disorientating.