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A member registered Oct 26, 2022 · View creator page →

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thank you for checking it out! :)

I'm not sure if I'm missing something or if it's a bug, but I went through the hallway about 5 times with no changes. I also wasn't ever able to close my eyes but then again I never saw a monster either. I liked the ambience and sound, though!

The atmosphere is amazing! super creepy. I also love games with multiple endings :) Great job on this one!

Are you on windows or mac?

I was trying to balance silly and creepy 😂 hope you liked it!


That's odd. Clicking into the window didn't work?

thanks for checking out my game! I'm glad you liked it and thought it was creepy :)

wow!! thank you so much for such detailed notes!! This is my first published and complete game so getting this much feedback is really really appreciated! 

Clarity to the user is something I want to improve on, so I'll definitely be taking your feedback into account when I fix up the game after the voting period. I'm glad you enjoyed it overall 😄

(2 edits)

Fun and creepy. His voice really adds to the vibes and charm, but at the same time it's really hard to understand him. Subtitles would have been perfect to balance those two things imo. The games were simple enough to guess what I needed to do, though. Was a really fun experience :)

Core mechanic is super fun and clever. I also really enjoyed the music and sound design

thanks for the feedback! Im definitely hoping to add more clarity after the voting period is over

thanks for checking it out! I hope you found it spoopy :)

thanks for your thoughts! Gdevelop is an interesting engine 

I'm glad you liked it!

Clever name and cute aesthetic! The sound design was also very lovely, I especially like the bonk sound

(1 edit)

This game is hilarious I love it. I also really appreciate the label for each room and interactable

Interesting idea. It was fun trying to beat it. Very challenging when the time left is so little.

I really like the character design! It was fun, I enjoyed the straightforward game play

(5 edits)

Super cool voice and sound design. Really enjoyed the vibes of this one. I would've liked to have a downloadable version to play because the controls were a bit wonky in browser. It was also pretty challenging to figure out how to start. Gameplay and story def made up for that though!

I love being a mouse.
Game was very creepy. It was fun to watch things get more and more deranged. The lack of answers also helped the game be so disturbing.

Bubbi is so cute! I loved the comedy and whimsy of this game

Fun game! I just wish Brenda could have gotten more closure than just being banished :( Cat were very cute and I like that the ghost reminded me of a pokemon

I appreciate how you leaned more into the halloween over the spook! It was a fun game, but level 4 seemed really hard compared to later levels... The music and sound was also lovely!

Love the art and general aesthetic, especially the color choices. It was really cool to see the house slowly deteriorate. My only complaint would be it's a bit too easy/linear

(1 edit)

I'm glad you liked the guts poster! And thanks for checking out my game 

right at the entrance as I was trying to escape. The statue was right behind me so it may have pushed me out? 

(1 edit)

Cool design and story! A couple bugs here and there like the random invisible walls and the text overlay, but overall a fun play!

my first time animating and it shows teehee. glad you liked it!

thanks for the review! I'll check yours out for sure

secret ending where you just offer the boogeyman a beer and he leaves you alone 😳

to be honest, I wasn't sure how the randomness would be received... thanks for checking out my game and giving your feedback! :)

thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it

it was my first time making a character model so I really appreciate that you liked it!

I'm glad you liked it :)

thanks so much for your thoughts! Lighting in gdevelop is something I couldn't figure out but having the lights dim like you said would be sooo cool. Might try to figure that out after voting is done!

I enjoyed your game! Hope y'all can check out mine

Fun! The power ups make the game feel fresh on every attempt at the maze, I like the wolf one the best though. I also really liked the music and sound design

I'm glad you liked it! Teddy bear is my favorite hiding spot hehe

This was my first published game! I really enjoyed playing yours, it was fun :D