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A member registered Jul 20, 2019 · View creator page →

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The atmosphere, music, and animations all added immensely to the experience.

With more time I would love a full adventure of this, but one thing to note is that I don't think you need to hide what the success number is? I think the suspense of the die roll might be heightened if a player knows what they need to roll. Right now, the "Yay" or "Oh no" moment comes through reading the text, and not the moment the result is shown. 

The gameplay is very satisfying, and that well to the right of the map makes it super scary to chuck dice far away and have to grab them.

The minigames were cool! But it was too frustrating waiting for the right part without any control of it, maybe some system where you can trade some organs in for other types?

Wow this game is super fun and well made! It feels like I can really plan out a lot to the decisions which is great for a strategy game like this!

With more variance on the types of orders, I think this game could be excellent.

I like the calming music and gameplay, really works as a relaxer!

Really great humour and writing, would love to see how this progresses as a game!

Small thing that bothered me was how much the chat bubbles moved, I thing making them wobble less would have made it a cleaner experience

This was really tough, but super neat! Each choice really felt like it mattered, and I was stressed when my food/water would hit low numbers.

I could easily see how you could expand this to have extra effects and pickups, since the framework you have is so great!

Art, level design, and music all are really great! Amazing polish for a game made in such a short time.

I feel like the "rolling" could be removed, or maybe redone, since its just a slower version of just clicking how many spaces I want to move that turn.

I liked how fast paced it was, I agree the screen-shake feels good! 

I would have liked to know how my health worked, since I think I got more for killing an enemy? Either way really cool!

Thanks! Given more time we wanted to add difficulties to change the timer, but the yahtzee comparison could lead to a ton of new mechanics!