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A member registered Apr 07, 2020 · View creator page →

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What is the problem you are facing?

I haven't downloaded the game file for mac, but i suppose it has a .dmg or a similar file. You need to put that in your applications, which you can do by opening the file and swiping it to the right on the popup window. Been a while since I used a mac, so I might be out of date

Found this on F-Droid, opened and stumbled across this game again on my recommended feed. Google is tracking me, big tech is watching me, I need help and I am going insane.

Download the mac version?..

Imagine not clicking one button more to export to Linux (or Mac)

I don't really think you know how game development works. The author will update when ready, constantly asking for updates is not going to change anything.

(2 edits)

Had the same problem with KDE. It would display a grey window and close afterwards. I resolved it by doing "itch-setup --uninstall" in the terminal and then I installed it again.

it is only one (at the time of writing this). i believe you can purchase others from the creator's patreon page

disable win defender real time protection thing and rerun. also check again for the "show more" button below the description when the error window opened as DefaultBenjy said because it is not seen easily

(1 edit)

For most of the apps or games I have that would not work on my pc, I just run them as admin and they work. I do not know if this will help but I think it is worth trying.