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A member registered Jul 10, 2023 · View creator page →

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Nice, I won :)

Cool game I got 82020 after a couple trys.

Really nice game, interesting concept

Such a cool art style for a game! Reminds me of Yoshi's Woolly World.

Haha, Autumn themed chrome game I guess. Thanks!

Thanks so much!

Very hard can't get past 2nd cart haha

I am getting long black screen after narration and inbetween scenes.


Mouse sensitivity is very high you also move a bit slow where the main objective is to run around to find frog. Cool look though with black base and bright outline

(2 edits)

I like the art style alot very cute. The game feels fast paced (which is good) though a big part of that may be the hyped music haha. Controls feel good shooting and moving is fun. I will say though there doesn't seem to be much tie into the theme of Train. It feels like its own seperate thing but you happen to be on a train and thats all. Could also use checkpoint system maybe

No worries! Thanks I'll try it out again soon

(1 edit)

Very pretty game, love the color palette. I did find controlling the character a bit slidy and awkward. Also maybe this is more of a personal thing but there seems to be a high dialouge to gameplay ratio. I do like the usage of the wildcards

So for me the mouse never is hidden and it constatntly leaving the game window when trying to mouse look character around so I can't fully rotate my character. UI lacks some responsiveness as well I can't tell in settings if my FOV is changed or if the graphics changed since there is no slider or toggle just the hand the moves between all settings. Also having a keybind on "A" key when that is used for movement WASD probably shouldn't be done.

I really enjoyed this puzzle game. I like all the added mechanics introduced overtime. I think your interpretation of the theme and wildcards was great.  I also like the aesthetic and setting with the chalk characters and the drawing board. That I think hones in the theme of train (verb) well. Don't have anything negative I can think to say about it :)

Thank you! Yes I realized towards the end that the game was too difficult and this is a tuned down version haha. This is my first jam and not too used to balancing difficulty looking to improve that next time! For the abilities player can press them anywhere and squire will receive the combat boost (dmg def etc). I'm glad you like the graphics despite being simple as I'm new to pixel art as well. 

Tip if you play again or to other players. To deal with Wizards: they have slow attack speed so have your squire weave in and out to attack and avoid damage Also you can scout ahead of your squire to see upcoming enemies.

1:08 my best so far want sub 1 min, Think 40 sec probably doable if everything optimal

Seems hard, Like LilSova said I don't seem to have an impact on things in game. Probably slow down city spreading, and keybind the natural disasters instead of mouse click side menu all time