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A member registered Jul 25, 2020 · View creator page →

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thank you for trying my game :D

thanks a lot! lots of people including me have found the collision issues, which really sucked, but i had a very limited time frame so i unfortunately couldnt fix it -w-'

Thanks! I'll try and add that next time

Thanks! I had to crunch loads in the end so I didn't manage to get a death animation in sadly

WOW i loved this so much, well done mate :D

I like how the game slowly degrades over time, only thing I'd suggest is an epilepsy mode or warning


Thanks, i was going for more of a dreamy atmosphere to fit the theme

Yeah, next  time i plan on using a different collision detection


thank you very much :D

The theme for this jam is SKY HIGH! Have fun!

The date of the start of the jam has changed to a later date. Sorry for any inconvenionces!

The date for the jam has changed due to me being rather busy AND Ludum Dare being right on top of this jam, so sorry for any inconvenience!

SKIBBLE JAM 2020.2! community · Created a new topic Henlo!
(1 edit)

Hello everybody! Just wanted to say if you have joined, thank you so much, and I wish you the best of luck! I've also realised that Ludum Dare 47 starts on the 2nd of October sooooooooooooooo ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...

I'm probably going to spend 2 days on the ratings because I don't think we will get many games, but thank you to all the people that are!

I think the best one to pick would be webGL because people don’t really like downloading games, but you can do any one you want I think. I don’t really know because I’m not the host.

SKIBBLE JAM 2020! community · Created a new topic THEME!

Hello again everybody, and thank you all so much for joining! This is my first ever game jam that I have hosted, so it means a lot to me! Anyways, i’ll shut up now, and the theme is ‘NOTHING IN THIS UNIVERSE MATTERS...’ Happy jamming!

Yes, of course!

No, I don't have one, but that is why there is a discussion board here!

SKIBBLE JAM 2020! community · Created a new topic WELCOME!

Hello! Message from the developer. I'd just like to say hi, and thanks for joining the jam! Hope this is a blast!

Thanks for the suggestion! I'm currently working on bug fixes and comment suggestions so I can make the game better (obviously after the rating period is over).

Yea, I was thinking about making it vertical but I must have forgotten. Thanks a lot! All of the art and animation was made by my friend!

Thanks for the suggestion!

Thanks for the feedback! It was quite hard to playtest aswell!

Thank you! Your game is amazing too!

Thank you :)