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A member registered Jul 08, 2020 · View creator page →

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Ok, I made the Level Generation bigger - let me know if that's better :)

Ok, I will fix it ASAP and let you know :)

No :( do you want me to?

Thanks for the great feedback! I'm glad you enjoyed the gameplay - you can thank Godot 4's default theme for the UI! What parts about the game loop did you like most?

This game is over a year old, so I frankly don't remember. But I think the money stockpile is for cities to automatically manage themselves, and the regular money is for founding new cities? It's a guess at this point, even for me.

I made this game in Unity nearly 2 years ago for a Game Jam, and I've transitioned from Unity to Godot now, so it's highly-unlikely I'll ever fix the bug. But thanks for the feedback and for playing!

Yeah, I understand. The problem for me was after floor 90 there were no more extra lives! But other than that, the balancing was good!

Well, you can congratulate me - I have finally exceeded 100 floors after all these months! Your game is absolutely fantastic, and has been my go-to for procrastinating on developing my own games various things. I don't know why I liked it so much, but I did, a lot! 

So, great job - keep on making awesome games, and destroy your competition by making them procrastinate with your games!

Venire, Videre, Vincere

Thanks, I'll take your feedback into account!

Godot is not just good and free, it's also easy!

Thank you for the feedback, I'm glad you enjoyed it!


Thanks, I really appreciate that! I guess that's what happens when I stop being a perfectionist...


I used the Godot Game Engine(it's completely free) for the game, I used Aseprite(I think you have to buy it on Steam) for drawing, and I used Bosca Ceoil(also completely free) for Music.

For the sounds I used a program called sfxr(or bfxr - they're both very similar, so I get their names mixed up).


Potatoes are delicious


Great job, the improvements to previous are noticeable!

For such a simple-looking game this was really fun! Well done! My highest was something like 10 million potatoes!

Why is no one talking about how cool this game is? 

The music and sound effects are well-picked, and the Pico-8 color palette gives this game a fun charm. For a game made in 3 hours, you have certainly outdone yourself!

Nice job!

I definitely enjoyed it :)

Thank you for playing!

This is a cool little game! I thought the wall jump added a nice challenge(even if I sucked at it). 

Might I suggest next time tiling your textures - it's a bit of a weird castle where all the bricks are stretched :D!

But other than that, well done!

Thanks! Godot's awesome GUI functionality makes it much easier!

Thank you for the feedback!

I must say, you're pretty lucky if your University project involves you making a game :D

For a playable foundation, this was indeed a good game, and I am certainly looking forward to what your game will look like when polished out!

This is quite a cool game with an interesting concept - I've never seen anyone use a Casino Theme for a tower defense, so well done! The casual music suits the Casino theme quite well!

It would be nice to be able to pause the game. Level 2 doesn't seem to ever start for me. While I saw the information in the main menu, it would be nice to have parts explained while playing(e.g. what towers do being explained in the store). 

There also is a bit of a lack of feedback - until I read in the info that when you have 3 of the same towers merging into one better tower, I was quite confused when all my towers suddenly disappeared. Maybe a sound or particle effect to show this would be better. 

Also, you can place the towers slightly outside of the game board, which was a little weird. That, and the game's lighting is a little dark and sometimes hard to see.

Other than that, I really liked this, and hope you develop the idea further! Good job!

Thanks for playing!

Well thank you, maybe that'll inspire me to actually make one :)

Thank you very much for playing! I'm afraid I have no idea if it's something to do with Chrome. It might be a mistake on my end. 

Either way, thanks a lot for playing and for the feedback!

Well, I've certainly had similar kinds of ideas floating around. I'm not sure I'll implement these ideas, but I might someday :)

This was a really fun experience!

The blob looks adorable! Good job on making it move a little when idle - it makes it feel much more alive - but maybe it blinking would have been nice too. 

The explanations are helpful, although there wasn't one for the energy fields that make you drop their color when you go through them - but it was intuitive enough for me to figure that out. 

The music was well-chosen, and in my opinion reflected the puzzle atmosphere of this game well. That being said, for a game about a blob that escaped from the mad scientist, it looks perhaps a little too cheerful.

I love that basically-everything you do has a sound associated with it - that's some good feedback. Visual feedback would also be nice(e.g. effects for when you place failed blobs and put them on the power).

The blob doesn't move directly to where I clicked, which made me click a few extra times, and the camera movement with a mouse was a little fiddly. 

It would be a cool idea to equip the color that you pick up, because I have to keep pressing SPACE each time I pick a color up.

All of these things being said, this game was really fun, and I loved both the concept and the mechanics. Also, unlike me you actually submitted something for the Lost Relic Games Jam, so good job on that!

I wish you all the best in your Game Dev journey!

This was quite a fun experience! The concept of avoiding obstacles and collecting coins is quite interesting, and the character, coins and walls are well-drawn!

A few suggestions - a background that isn't just dark blue would be nice. On the third level, when the crates disappear, I see no way to restart the level, so am just stuck. Consider adding more feedback for things in game, e.g. particle effects for collecting coins, or little particles of dust when you jump/land. 

Then again, these sorts of minor polish decisions wouldn't matter if the game isn't good, and your game has an interesting concept which you should think of developing further!

This seems to be your first game, so well done on taking the important first step in Game Development, and I wish you the best of luck in your journey!

Oh I see! Well, even for such a WIP game, the concept is pretty darn good, so good job on that!

This is a really cool concept, and I enjoyed the first 4 levels! Levels 5 and 6 didn't load for me for some reason - it was just a black screen... 

The concept of controlling two different things and using them to manipulate machinery was a smart one! 

I see that you've got sound effects, but might I suggest adding some more feedback, e.g. particle effects, to make doing things in-game more satisfying. 

All in all, this was a fun game with a fun concept which I hope you develop further!

Thank you very much for the feedback!

Thank you very much for the feedback!