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A member registered Sep 19, 2022 · View creator page →

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I love the vibe of this track, the vocals do a lot of work in evoking "the spirit of the north." The strings also lend to the spookiness. Very good mixing, I could definitely hear this track in a video game or movie. Your inspirations and hard work are evident in this mix. Good stuff.

This is a beautiful sounding track. With an orchestral suite, and especially one focused on ambience, I think this could have very easily become something generic or bland sounding, but I believe you've managed to escape that trap, making something impressionistic and cinematic reminiscent of a John Williams score or the Skyrim OST. The woodwinds and swelling strings are the standout elements to me. I don't think I can really provide any constructive feedback with regards to the theme or composing jam, but (and this is a total shot in the dark) if this is kind of composing is somewhat in your comfort zone I might encourage you to develop a stronger expression of your particular voice in a composition. Which is to say - to really make it your own. (If this seems dumb to you, feel free to ignore it.) Great piece, please write more!

What makes this really cool to me is that you managed to create something very unique that I found still fit the theme. The mixing is strong, and the composition stays interesting the entire piece. There are some really cool chord changes. I caught myself tapping my foot and nodding my head to this! I do think some of the attacks on some synths can feel jarring at times and maybe a little too dry to my taste for this genre. But honestly, I think this is a standout track for this jam. Great job!

I really enjoyed the story you told with your pieces and how smoothly it transitions between each section. I especially enjoyed the chimes on the shards of air section. It seemed to me that you leaned pretty heavily into drawing longer chords, and while the orchestration, dynamics, and tone of the chords are nice, I feel like some variation in rhythms of the chords or melody could add some more interest to your piece. I think pretty much everything else about this work is well crafted. Overall, really nice cinematic composing you've done here. 

I think your use of piano and synths really bring out the misty vibes of the painting, as well as the idea of mountain spirits you mentioned in the description. This is a very calm piece for the most part -- the staccato strings add just enough energy to keep things interest, but it started to become a little stale after about 2 minutes. I would have loved to hear another melody or some new interesting harmonic stuff at some point in the piece. I hope this feedback isn't discouraging though, because I really like the mood and tone of your piece, and I think you did the theme justice!

I think you nailed the start of this piece, it does really evoke a peaceful rivers, and things do pick up with the percussion and war drums. I don't think it gets quite to the mood of a ominous rolling storm like you described, but that may just be me. I think it may come through better if there was a break in the middle of the piece for another section or a key change to really accentuate the darker nature of a storm. That being said, I think the melodies and choice of instruments really bring out the "spirit of the north" so you definitely got the theme right. At some points the layering with the instruments felt a little clashing and that may be due to them occupying too similar of volumes or frequencies. I think this might be easily resolved with some stereo panning but I'm sure there's other ways too. Overall great work! I found the piece very listenable!

This is very evocative! I'm glad I got the chance to stimulate your imagination. Thanks for taking the time to listen!!!

Hey, thank for taking the time to consider my compositions. I really appreciate it. I'm definitely the most proud of my first and third compositions, and I agree that the second piece is a little half baked, I kinda went for something different and I found the way it lilted and hesitated endearing after a bit. I think there may be better ways to express that in the tune than in the way I settled for. I may end up adapting some of these pieces for a personal project of mine, we'll see! I found your opinions to be really valuable, and it made my day to see someone engage with my work!

Thanks so much for listening! This is really good constructive feedback, and I think you make some good points. Changing up the bass line on the second track would definitely give it a little more life, and I definitely get what you mean about the delayed harmonics. I appreciate your critical ear!

That's really kind, thank you. I did use the MicroFreak! I got one recently and used this as an opportunity to explore it. I appreciate you taking the time to listen and comment on it!!!

This is a great track! I love how it changes and evolves over time, keeping things fresh and interesting. I really started vibing when the kick drum came in!

Beautiful chords and tambres on Floating in the In Between. The synths, strings, bass and piano play really well together. If I played a game and this track came on I would have to stop playing just to jam out for a bit. 
Respite feels very introspective, short but sweet the whole way. I don't think i'd ever get tired of listening to it so it would be a great track to have on loop in this game. This is a great OST!

These compositions are excellent. I love your basslines across the ost, but especially on H2Zone and Nonstopped Unpopped. You've really nailed the aquatic theme, felt like i was pulled into my old PC game Freddy Fish.  Your animations and art are really cute and I liked the story you built out (and the band name Tune-a Fish). I can tell you put lots of thought and effort into this, and it turned out great! 

Thanks for listening!!!

I'm glad you liked Lescht, it's my favorite too. Definitely know what you mean about the sloppy improv lol. I made baubbles here and there over a week, and then pumped out the other two tracks the day before the jam was finished so I did not spend a ton of time with retakes or editing. Thanks for listening, you're Florbtastic.

I really appreciate your comment. The PS1 era music is some of my favorite stuff, and I'm glad you picked up on the underwater vibes I was trying to put out there. I'm really glad you listened to my music and thought it was groovy, thanks for listening!

Thanks so much for listening and giving a thoughtful critique! I'd agree with you that Lescht is probably the strongest track, and Florbulation being the weakest given the theme. I'm really glad you appreciated some of my tracks! BTW, I think you've done a very good job of judging creativity!


(2 edits)

Love this game, only one problem.

The peer to peer networking doesn't seem to be working. I tried it with my friend online and when he hosted and I clicked join my ui disappeared and then nothing happened. When hosting I get a cute little guy I can control, but no one to play with :(

A cool take on a survivors type game. I like that the room boundaries add an extra challenge to dodging all the attacks. The visuals take me back to some of my favorite flash games growing up. The ability to choose a different weapon at the beginning is a good way of adding replayability!

The game isn't in a working state, but what is here is really promising. I like the pixel rendering of the 3d environment and the model and animation of the burger monster is well done. The salt/pepper gun is a cool concept too. I hope you keep working on this and get it into a working state!

I gave it a second try after I learned about the melee attack bug and it worked perfectly. I got to the end of the game, and had fun killing all the customers in my lawnmower/microwave store. I wish the camera were a little less disorienting, but I had a good time with this game! Good work!

The movement is very hectic and hard to master. I love that you can smash into a customer and he gets pushed away. A fun and chaotic little game.

This game has a great style! Hard to believe just one person made this with all the animation and visual effects! I got nervous when the sharks knocked me closer to the edge of the waterfall and the waterfall got louder!

Really cool game. Loved the character and enemy sprites and the color choices. It gets very challenging, especially when the game speeds up on you at 10k. Unique idea with the 3 position over the shoulder controls. I could definitely see something like this working well on mobile. Nice work y'all!

uncanny and unsettling visuals. nice edm soundtrack. I like that your shots pierce through multiple enemies so you can get lots of points in one shot. There a bug that makes it so the character's walk animation doesn't play if you just press the "w" key. Nice game overall. love the title pun

Wait I thought this too! I thought it was really cool and it made me panic when they got too close!

Great wave based survival game! The enemy variety I think is what really brought it to the next level. And the sprite work is excellent. Really well done on a one person project.

A very moody game, loved the atmosphere! Very nice pixel art style. I liked that you added a little movement on the story scenes. Interesting choices related to memories and social behavior.  Great game!

This is a really fun tower defense! It's really fun to see which new towers and upgrades you can buy. The pixel art style is super pretty and all the animations and effects are really exciting to watch. Great job!

Really unique concept for the game! It's a lot of fun to play and is very replayable. The cartoony graphics are awesome!

I love this game's charm and personality. It really elevated the game to another level. I played it for a really long time.

Really high quality feeling game, The cell shaded style is so cool!

Really engaging experience! I played through the whole thing. Very tense when you can't see past the doors!

I played this for longer than I'd like to admit. Thanks for uploading it! I can't wait for the sequel.

Thanks so much! I knew I had to show off my skills on the recorder >:)

A nice musical chairs game with some very attractive character models!

This game changed my life.

This game is a really fun experience from start to finish! Really well polished too. I love that one of the upgrades just makes the game twice as hard, really zany and fun!