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A member registered Sep 18, 2020 · View creator page →

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you can listen to it here!

THAT WAS AMAZING!!! i love everything about it, i cant believe you did this in only one week! 

the art / animations are cute, polished, and very well drawn, i especially like the enemy designs and the shop

the roguelike elements / shop give it replay value to customize how you play (very few platformers do something like that! its awesome)

and a captivating narrative with very enjoyable and natural dialogue throughout it, i would love to see what you do next!!

incredibly well made and polished concept and execution! this is the kind of game you'd expect months of work went into, very impressive for a jam in one week! extremely cute art, ui, and music too! 10/10

very well-polished! you get a lot of detailed art across while still being 1-bit, awesome

i think the simplicity of the rest of the art compared to that of the mountain really adds a lot to the message and depth of the game, really interesting!

a very well-designed and clean puzzle/strategy game that takes full advantage of the theme, very fun! this might be my favourite so far

and thats ok!! messing up til you get it right is part of the fun :)

this game is so adorable!! i love the concept