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Awesome game! Really enjoyed it :)

This game was really cool! I loved the new mechanics incorporated. The time crunch was fun! And I´m glad it wasn´t just a game over when you didn´t feed him in time. Great submission!

Thank you!! Oh I totally thought I was on godot 4.3 already.. haha that explains a lot thanks for the tip

I'm glad you enjoyed the controls! I definitely do need to work on the difficulty though haha

Thank you!!! I had fun with yours too!

Thank you! Means a lot!

Yeah it makes the gameplay hard for sure. Thanks for playing though!!

Thank you!! I really liked your game as well I will definitely get my friends to play it with me :)

Haha yeah they're ok as long as you get them the food! And yeah I did not like how the Q looked either. Will change that when I can. Thanks for enjoying!

Thank you that means a lot! Yeah I was hoping the challenge would be easier after a bit but the short levels probably made that hard. Thanks for playing though!

Thank you! Sorry if the balance was off but I'm glad you enjoyed :)

Hahaha yeah it was quite difficult. Hope you enjoyed though thanks for playing!

Great game! It got quite addicting. Love it!

Wow I love the movement in this game! It was quite fun once you got the hang of it. Only thing is when I would hit restart it wouldn't spawn any enemies. Very fun though overall!!

Thank you! You did an amazing job as well!

I loved it so much! Especially clam itachi!

Oh my god the cutscenes were insane can't believe I got burned by clam itachi. This was awesome I really loved the animations!! Really awesome and chaotic!

Thank you!!

Really promising I loved the artstyle!

I had jumping issues as well. But I really liked the art style and cutscene! Keep going you are doing a good job!!

Had a fun time with your submission thanks :)

The particles were great! I had fun with the killing of the zombies. But from the start my WASD was not moving the character so jumping was hard and also the gun would not aim sideways sometimes. Was pretty fun otherwise! I liked the sounds and the effects!

Thank you!!! I loved your game a lot! Great particles and super fun!

LOL wow thank you I am so glad to have fulfilled your dreams. Thanks so much for playing and enjoying :)

Thank you! Glad you enjoyed it! I enjoyed your game as well! Loved stocking the shelves!

Thank you! Yes I definitely need to sort out the balancing issues. And I have to say it again your game was phenomenal!!!

You my friend have such an amazing game on your hands. Wonderful job!!!

Holy cow your game is absolutely phenomenal. This is my favorite game of this jam for sure. The game loop is like straight dopamine to the brain and I loved how chaotic it got at the end, really really sells the theme incredibly well! This is seriously too good and I hope you win it all! The only critiques I have, though very minor, were that the threads were quite confusing at first because I didn't understand the explanation in the tutorial, but once you get them they seemed a little strong. And also sometimes the thread would start in the complete opposite direction I was going and instantly fail. And lastly, whenever I pressed play again, the sound settings would reset each time so I had to go back and change them. OTHER THAN THAT THIS GAME WAS SO AMAZING!! Seriously everything from the graphics, to the music, to the particles and effects were so over the top wonderful you should be proud of this. I am definitely coming back to play more!!!

Yours took me by surprise too haha. Thanks for playing!

Amazing audio 10/10!

Amazing stuff! Really loved it!

WOW this game was the most fun I've played so far for sure! The graphics are amazing, the particles add so much, seriously amazing work!! The only thing I'll say is I wish I could hold down the mouse button to rapid fire, my finger really got a workout! But seriously this was amazing great job

Your game was really really awesome!! I would definitely love to play it after the jam again!

I am in love with the graphics and artstyle you chose!! Seriously beautiful and it felt really calming with the music. I think I'm just really bad though and couldn't get past wave 2. It felt like the blue balls I did end up killing gave almost no money too. However, I will definitely be back to play this after the jam and honestly one of the best looking games I've seen in this jam. Congrats and great work!!

Thank you!!!

Yeah I don't know how it came to me. I'm excited to try your game though once I find out where I left my controller

Yes I had trouble implementing that. Will work on it for sure. Thank you for playing!!

Thank you that means a lot!! And yeah I should have balanced it better, but thank you for the kind words!

Thank you!! Glad you enjoyed and I will definitely check it out when I have time! I'll leave a review!

It was quick and fun! Good submission!