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A member registered Sep 17, 2020 · View creator page →

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Hmm, can't quite figure out how to start the game...

This is super fleshed out for 48 hours (less, even: you were done early iirc), that aspect is honestly astounding! My main gripe with this however is that gameplay can be a bit dry at times (might have benefitted from some animations). All in all, though, well done!

Loved it! However, looking at the console output from the 64-bit linux executable, you seem to have some memory leaks upon exit (closing the window results in output that seems to suggest leaks in object.cpp and resource.cpp). Other than that, fantastic, especially considering it was made for a jam!

Oh, just found the other version where you do just that: . Super laggy! Not sure how much of this is my cheap laptop with 8GB of memory and how much is the game, but if you could find a way to cut down on some of that lag that would be awesome.

Tried running on Fedora Linux, got a lot of text that said (among other things) that the library "UnityPlayer.dll" is missing. Perhaps try uploading the whole ZIP archive, then telling players to extract it *and then* run the executable. Hope this helps, good luck with fixing this issue!

The infected orbs added a nice amount of complexity. Well done!

I ran out of time on the death screen, so I'm thinking I'm going to add it as an update. Also, thanks!

Thanks, I'm glad you liked it!

Yeah, I know, I ran out of time. I'm gonna update it after the rating period ends.

Yeah, this was only my 2nd game with Godot, so learning the engine ate up a lot of time that would've gone into a death screen.

I found that once the game loads, you have to click within the window or the controls don't respond. Start out with arrow keys, then press space to switch to WASD, and so on.

Liked the camera angle and the use of 2D sprites in a 3D space. Made the game feel like something different!

Tricky!  Some levels feel too punishing but the game is very well made. Gave this 5 stars for presentation and 4 for fun / originality.


Yo, this is awesome! Best submission I've played so far.

Can confirm, runs great on Firefox!

The browser version seems to be stuck loading for me (I'm seeing a Unity icon with a progress bar that's 90% full). I'm on macOS 11 rn so I can't download the game either...

(1 edit)

lemme see what I can do about that... (EDIT: Fixed! Thanks for the heads up!)

This was sick! Nice job, your games are getting better and better.

Dang it windows only...

Didn't realize this was on itch. cool!

Interesting. What's your Scratch account (guessing you have one)?