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A member registered Jun 05, 2020

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Hey you, how's it going? Probably don't remember me. But, I definitely remember this awesome game!! I had to part ways from me when we were just become friends on Twitter awhile ago because I had real life issues!! No Internet either!! Anyways, just wanted to check in on you and wish you the best :)

(1 edit)

Okay!! I've followed you and waiting on you to follow back, I think that's how it goes? I'm @SpiritualAddi! :)

I wonder if there's a way to keep in contact with you ^-^ Other than replying to comments on here, haha! I'd absolutely love to keep you posted on my progress, that way you don't forget about me :P Hahaha! Because, I know mine won't be ready for a long time as well :P

Awwww, Michaela! Thank you so much! ^-^ I'd be absolutely honored if you were to play a game that I created ^-^ And you're right! There's NO such thing as "enough" RPG games! I'm always going to find Indie/2D games to play! I'm going to play a couple more to get some inspiration and creativity going :D I'm following you now so I'll remember you :)

Had a little of a jumpscare somewhere ;)
This was amazing. I really had a blast playing this. Keep on going, you really are an amazing developer!!! I've never created games before but a humble bundle for RPG Assets I recently got is making me think about trying to learn coding, and possible create a project myself... and I've always wanted to involve dragons because well, dragons are my favorite! Now that I've seen you used RPG Maker MV, I may have to get that myself!

A few minutes later after typing what's above:
I actually already have RPG Maker MV and VX Ace! Excited!