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A member registered Oct 01, 2020 · View creator page →

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I got stuck on the same portion many others did it seems, but overall I was very impressed with the art, the sheer scope of the game, not to mention the signs of someone very experienced with platformers and level design. Great use of the theme as well, overall a very enjoyable experience.

The title screen definitely got my blood pumping (as did both sets of gameplay). Though as Quinadin already pointed out, they could have been partnered together better even if it just included a screen transition into Space Invaders gameplay. However, the experience of both classic games is still present and fun.

This game is one that I've been waiting to try out as I saw it progress on the Discord and I'm glad to say it lived up to expectations! Like some others have said, 8 elements gives quite a few combinations for players to be expected to figure out with various interactions, but overall I'm very impressed.

Nice work! I liked how the gameplay changed between the shopping and slaying segments as you progressed and had the townspeople give the player more respect as he dispatched more enemies.

Great gameplay and presentation! Wish I could have played more, but there seems to be a bug where I played a card to dig out of the Burn pile but that overlay wouldn't disappear, not to mention my hand was somehow full at that point.

Thanks for the feedback, Storminka! It's always great to get such kind words from the community. Regarding the lizard enemies, there seems to have been an issue in importing and enlarging the sprite sheet. In any case, we'll take this opportunity to learn and create better experiences in future titles.