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A member registered Jul 11, 2016 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Well after having to prove to itch that I'm me about 9 times, they finally agreed to let me have my dang key! Got it now, thanks. :)

No I bought the game by itself a while ago. Not in a bundle.

Wait, I just realised you did. Do people who purchased the game on itch before it came out on Steam get a Steam key?

What a pleasant surprise :) Time for another run.

Out of curiosity, why haven't you released the game on Steam yet?

Yep! Newly so.

Can you show us a screenshot of your base? Might help us figure out why they're not working. Also, note that they'll slow down considerably without food/water.

Hey, what exactly do you need help with? What do you mean by the logistic system?

Hey guys, it's a known bug.

Sorry about that. You can just select something else to make it go away, or save/load the game.

Excellent, thanks for sharing.

You can't yet. :)

Hah, might be something stuck inside. Thanks for reporting the bug. :)

Hey, that's weird. Any chance you could grab a video of it?

Also, what are your PC specs? Are you on a laptop/desktop? Are you using a special kind of mouse or keyboard?

Super interesting, looks a lot like Unreal World. Is it still in dev?

What are your specs?

Hey, thanks for sharing. Looks pretty sweet. :)

It's awfully quiet in here, for a top seller! When's the next update? :)