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mary gerik

A member registered Dec 09, 2018 · View creator page →

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Update 5/5/20

I worked on recording my voice for our in-game voice-over lines. I've never really been into audio editing but it's quite simple with Audacity, I was able to quickly add a cool echoey affect to make it sound like I was talking from a dungeon - which of course is what we want in the game.

The decision to do voice over lines came with our desire to more clearly communicate the tasks and game narrative to the player, since in feedback we received comments that the goal of the game was not clear.

In-game, the voice over lines read off the clues from the note, as well as comment on their surroundings and situation, asking questions the player may be wondering themselves. 

Voiceover Lines

Screencap from Audacity
Voiceover Lines
Screencap from folder of most lines

Minimum Viable Product Devlog:

Going off of what Kat said, I personally wasn't able to contribute much to this update due to external circumstances on my end. 

I was able to record some test lines for our voice over idea and did some editing in Audacity to give an echoey effect like the player is in a dungeon. 

Moving forward I'll work on better time management so I can fully contribute to the final project.  Previously I felt like working remote helped me to be more productive, but I've now also experienced the opposite since it's easy to lose track of time since we're not able to meet IRL for classes. 

First Playable Devlog

For our first submission, I worked on gathering asset links to compliment the theme of our game (medieval/spooky vibes). I found a nice low-poly dungeon assets pack and put those into our HelloVR base scene. I went ahead and put some objects in place of the whitebox gaze objects that disappear when looked at, arranging objects to look suspicious (knife in paper note, bones in cauldron). Once we start implementing a story, we'll probably change out what the hidden game objects are.

I also picked out some sounds: some ambiant dungeon background noise paired with fire (dungeon is lit with candles and torches), as well as a sound for when an object is discovered and reveals more space.
