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Matt Kase Game Audio

A member registered May 09, 2021 · View creator page →

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Hey thanks for playing! Glad you enjoyed the audio, that was definitely a main focus of this project.

Just curious, did you set it up with pass-through at an actual desk? I noticed the video had a black background but it's really meant to be an XR experience. 

Hey thanks for taking the time to play the game! Really appreciate your compliments on the music and sound. I totally agree with your critiques, I think this was a little ambitious for a jam but could really be amazing as a full-scale game. The jam did help us get started on a jumping off point, though, and we definitely plan to put together a more complete version. 

Thanks for the kind words about the sound! Agreed that the gameplay needs polishing but there's really tons of potential in the idea 

Thank you for taking the time to play the game! I agree it has a lot of potential, the concept that Twop developed is very interesting and engaging. Hopefully we get to continue crafting the game and building upon the content like you mentioned. 

It's funny seeing the way you play VS how I do. I'm very cautious about straying from the light whereas you just sprint through the darkness as fast as possible. 

Thanks for the kind words! I brought a bunch of branches into my home studio to record the audio for this so I'm glad someone enjoyed it 

Love this game! The music fits perfectly with the art and transitions really smoothly between all of the game states.

Aesthetic and graphics are on point! Brootal. 

Thank you! Really appreciate the kind words 

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Yeah, I'm so happy you noticed! Visconde and I worked hard on creating a layered score for this. 

Art and style of this game is great, I love the lighthearted but dark fantasy feeling! The music was well done too. Think it would have been cool to have a counter of how many enemies you killed so you could track your progress with each playthrough. 

I love the weird vibe of this game and the art, concept, design, music, and SFX all kind of help add to that strange humor, so cool. The only critique I'd have is that the music is awesome but has almost no progression and get's a little repetitive. If you could add development of the piece and some sort of interactive element, even just a separate stinger/track for the ending sequence, I think it would help the game feel more immersive and playable. 

Visuals and aesthetic are amazing, I did have a little trouble getting momentum though and would of course love to hear some music and SFX to help the player get in the mood. 

The environments and characters in this were really cool, and the punching mechanic was fun. Would have loved to hear some music to help set the mood, but obviously I'm biased! 

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Didn't even get past the menu before wanting to comment about how much I love this music! Goes perfectly with the feel of the game and has a nice development to it. The art and the game itself are also really cool, of course. 

I love that it's kind of challenging right off the bat but becomes more fun as you get used to the mechanic. 

I'm really glad you like the music, thanks! And I agree, our team did an amazing job on the art and concept in such a short period of time. 

Hey, I'm a composer and audio designer available to get involved in a project. Would love to hear more about the game, just sent you a request on discord. 

Check out my Instagram and YouTube for samples



And feel free to shoot me an email at

Hey not sure if you found a composer yet but I'm trying to get on a project for this game jam! 

Here are some samples:

Shoot me an email at if you're interested, thanks!

Hey not sure if you found a composer yet but I'm trying to get on a project for this game jam! 

Here are some samples:

Shoot me an email at if you're interested, thanks!

Hey not sure if you found a composer yet but I'm trying to get on a project for this game jam! 

Here are some samples:

Shoot me an email at if you're interested, thanks!

Hey, I'd love to compose for you game to build my portfolio! Don't have any extremely upbeat samples like the one you posted for reference, but I can 100% make something like that and would love to collaborate with you to nail the vision. Here's an example of some work: 

Contact me at with any questions, thanks! 

Hey I'd be interested in helping out with some spooky tones to build my portfolio. Check out this dumb video I made as an example of my horror scoring: 

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Hi, I'm an experienced musician who just recently switched focus to scoring and would love to help make your game. I have a broad range of composition styles incorporating synth, acoustic instruments, orchestral strings, piano, voice, and pretty much anything you can imagine for whatever genre. My goal is to make someone else's project come to life with my music. 

Check out some samples here:

And an indie TV pilot I scored here: 

Willing to work for cheap since I'm new and need to build my portfolio. Please feel free to reach out or email me at with any questions!