Hi, I’m not sure what has happened, but all my games while can be brought for £1 , have had a suggested £2 purchase price tagged with it, which means no game can be brought for less than £2. I’ve revoked all that now so you should be ok to grab the original game. If it still doesn’t work drop me another line and I’ll dig out a direct link for you ;) Just so you know all the games that are purchasable have executables for all main systems as well as P8 files to run in Pico8 natively.
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Lol, no worries. If you want to DM me you can over on X (formerly Twitter) at https://x.com/M1N10N if that helps ;)
Hi, couple of quick questions.
Firstly, do you intend to finish this ? I know life can get in the way of coding so projects tend to sit on the back boiler waiting to be finished for years etc.
Secondly, if the answer to the above was no, could I be so bold as to ask if I could pinch your sound effects ? Mine, while perform there purpose, are just not a patch on yours, which I have to admit are spot on (I have no ear for creating sounds, as you can probably tell)
All in all though, this looks great (and sounds even better) and you really should finish it.
Always wanted to package up my games into boxes but havent got round to it. And had never thought of creating a manual for them, but this is a genius idea. Love it so much. Will now look into packing mine again … and really do it this time ;) Gives me that feeling I used to get opening up an old Atari 2600 game :)
Within the last hour I’ve had 16 individual downloads of my paid games without payments. I have a total of 22 games. 16 games are pay to download only (although you can play them in the browser). I know that this is not someone who has purchased them and re-downloading as 3 of the games have never had a purchase. I have had this happen in the past (many times) but never 16 all in one go. It also seems very strange that I’ve had 16 total downloads (of 16 individual games), yet only 14 site views (5 for 1 game alone), and only 2 browser plays. Do the admins or site owners go around systematically downloading games randomly ? Its not as though I make much money from this, I barely sell any anyway. But looking at the stats I’ve had almost 4 times more downloads than I have purchases on some of my games. Is there anything I can do to prevent downloads without purchasing ?
Hi, yes, Itch doesn’t realise I’ve gone from donations to actually having an actual download now. Sorry for that. I do have your email addr tho so if its OK I’ll email it to you direct. I doubt very much it’ll ever get updated in the future, but if it does and I forget to email you the updates, just hit me up with a quick comment and I`ll send it over.
As for a bundle, I did do the winter bundle just before Christmas (All pico-8 games for half price). I’m sure Itch will do an Easter sale soon so Ill probably join that too (and hopefully have more games to add to it then)
Hi, thanks for the comments. So glad you liked it, I tried real hard to get that “arcade” feel for it. The flag/rock placements are taken from a list of possible locations for each level (so many picked at random each level). I it becomes more of a problem I’ll look into getting a better random picker later. As for the levels, when I started first thing I did was pick the first map I found, turns out it was from the “old” version, so I never got around to updating it. That has been fixed now (hopefully all levels are from the “NEW” version). As for the S and L flags. This was a bug from the very start of the mini map which I did know about but for some reason never fixed. I’ve fixed that now. Hopefully that’s should be everything, but if you do see any other problems please don’t hesitate to let me know. Thanks.
Hi, thanks for the comments/bugs reports etc.
The decreasing milk - Yeah, I thought that too, but after pawing over the z80 disassembly for it I found it doesn’t drop over time, but based on the number of steps/jumps taken (300 and a bar is removed). I have implemented that, but I will check its still working.
The reliant object thing, I thought I had cracked that early on, but as you can appreciate bugs can creep in unexpectedly. I will check over this and fix,
The fly trap, yeah, I used the same damage values as used in the original z80 code, but some things seem to not be ass affective as others (the falling books for example I had to tweak as it was possible to creep past them without loosing any energy at all !). I will also tweak this to make the damage more effective.
Now… Herbert’s Dummy run ….. hmmm …. maybe, after I’ve cleared up a big chunk of my wip list ;)
The precision of the jumps is, imo what makes it. You can knock up a remake of any game, but if you do manic miner it has to act and feel the same as the original spectrum version or it just doesn't feel right. That's why a simple platform game like this took months to write instead of just weeks. As for a level select/skip, I will look into it (could really have done with it during testing !). As for modded levels, again, something Ill look into at some point (as they are hardcoded in a weird format to cut down on tokens). For now tho, it works and im happy.
Hi, I can see what's happened here. Of the numerous testers I've had playing this, not one of them mentioned it. I've used white pegs for correct position/colour and black for just correct colour, whereas the original game is the other way round. My apologies for this, but like I said, not one of my testers told me this was wrong. I shall be having harsh words with them. Also, just so you know, I've been coding games in various languages thought-out the years starting way back in 1978 in assembler. But I guess we can all make mistakes.
I was never much cop at Asteroids as a kid, and I appear not to have improved with age :( Nice game tho. Wish there was more real estate to fly around in tho. It feels very cramped. A bigger screen would make no end of difference. And full screen too (I likes big screens :) ) Not sure what the lines where that kept appearing, nor how to invoke them. Overall tho, as a remake of a classic its not bad, with plenty of potential (loved how shooting repeatedly on the side of a rock spun it faster. nice use of physics there)