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A member registered Jan 27, 2023 · View creator page →

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I think the only way is using some number of objects and bind them with the hinge joints

Have written you in discord!

Have written you in discord!

(1 edit)

Hi, I have some experience in solo and team jamming as a Unity Programmer, and a bit of sound designer, so I think if you still interested in collaborating, we can try do it together.
My discord: minidevelop

Hi! I'm MiniDev. I had already worked on two game jams and look forward to have new experience, write me in discord if you want too!

Discord: minidevelop

You can also check my if you want.

And, if I actually got I right, do you have an experience with sound effects?

(1 edit)

Hi, I'm highly interested in sound designer now, if you interested write in my discord: minidevelop

(3 edits)

Hi, if you can make sound effects, like walking, getting coin and etc. Of course you can join my team.

I'm an experienced programmer with Unity, so I would like to join you!

I think it can be a good idea! Here is my discord: minidevelop.

I'm a Unity C# programmer, mostly working with 2d games.

Thanks for this big response. With this tips I will fix my game. And window bug... Pretty interesting will find out problem

Neat and interesting Vampire Survivors like game. Pretty good bullet hell!

Good idea and realization. Pretty interesting and neat game! And this smug bug..

Charming visual style and atmosphere, really good concept to develop!

Nice platformer and theme usage. Not bad game at all with small but neat animations!

Neat cute platformer with wavy light system and a bit sad but really atmospheric sound!
If you want, you can try of course!

Well drawn and interesting labyrinth idea with so atmospheric music. My like to this game!

Good concept and great realization. Really neat and interesting game!

Just wtf is going on or Какого чёрта здесь твориться блин

Good game with an story that gives some hopes (good ending)!

Oh this thing, Ok the more I know

Interesting idea with good realisation, really cool game

Pretty creative and interesting idea but I have 1 question... Why not WASD?

Simple but challenging little game where you can easily die by inattention. Not bad!

Interesting project with un usual camera foreshortening but it's not really comfortable I think because Samurai rotating is tight and you usually don't see enemies in front of you so its hard to survive but concept pretty interesting!

At first  small silly find it bring it game but when I realized from who eyes and paws I think wtf with this kid mind. But it still small find it bring it game with cool graphics and fake silly music. Not bad at all!


Make from a bullet hell genre in our days game where you need to play near and always think at your next step. Congratulations I love this game now!

Thanks for reply, but can you say in what part you confused I want to know what can be not clear for people

Just surprised but idk how to defend my world from thieves. Please do a small control guide

Just a small little platformer for relax

This rock sound make this game so epic lol

Graphics and music I like this game and idk why

Small and pretty neat platformer arcade)

Man you need to drop all data from your game folder

Fully updated now

(1 edit)

Updated! Now without screenshots (because I'm touching grass lol) but later they will be in description too.