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Finding a team

A topic by MiniDev created Jan 01, 2024 Views: 282 Replies: 12
Viewing posts 1 to 6

I'm a Unity C# programmer, mostly working with 2d games.

Hello, I am also a programmer, what do you think if we team up?


I think it can be a good idea! Here is my discord: minidevelop.

Nice, I already sent you a request. M

y username is ChuwyBanana.

Hello! I'm a game and level designer almost ending formation. This would be my first independient project. Would you like to team up?

hi, I'm a composer, can I be part of your team?

Submitted (3 edits)

Hi, if you can make sound effects, like walking, getting coin and etc. Of course you can join my team.

So, I have no experience in this field, but I can try 

Sound designer and/or composer hoping to join a team - let me know if you're looking for someone!

Submitted (1 edit)

Hi, I'm highly interested in sound designer now, if you interested write in my discord: minidevelop


And, if I actually got I right, do you have an experience with sound effects?

Dropped you a message on Discord, look forward to hearing from you! 

Hi! I'm a linguist and writer with experience in game localization and game design. I'd love to join the team, if I could? My discord user is: definitelynotandrea