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Mind Grown Software

A member registered Jul 26, 2016 · View creator page →

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There is a ton more information on our Steam Store and Discussion pages which are updated more often:

Yes... we already have a Linux build running!

Here is an awesome article written by Liam of Gaming On Linux. Check it out!

You got it! Currently all stations give you a little scrap (1 per second I believe). We will start to put together some type of manual for the game. We would also like to communicate to the player what is happening in situations like that a little better too. Thanks for the info!

Right! We will be working on a major UI overhaul in the next two weeks and will look into adding some type of quick reference manual. Thanks for the suggestion!

- Ryan

Matthew, we have implemented quite a few features/improvements that you have mentioned. Just off the top of my head, I know we re-implemented (6) pausing during menus, the autosave visual, and most (if not all) of your camera control/animation ideas. All of these and more will be available in our next update, scheduled for Tuesday, August 30th. If you do end up playing the updated version, we would really appreciate your continued feedback. Thanks for your help!


dankVinyl, In our next update the Windows version should confine the cursor to the game window (or screen) when not 'tabbed' out of the game. We are currently looking into getting the same functionality out of our Mac build, but it is currently a limitation of our game engine.

Our update should be released on Tuesday, August 30th. If you do happen to try the new update, I would really appreciate your continued feedback. Thanks again!


Our next update, planned for Tuesday August 30th, will have some fixes in this area. For Windows and Linux (once we get a Linux build out), the cursor will be confined to the screen. The OS X (Mac) version will not be confined, as it is currently a limitation of our game engine. We will continue to look into a fix for the OS X build.

- Ryan

I see. We will discuss, and probably implement pausing again.

I'm pretty sure it does autosave when you enter a planet... there should be a some indication to the user :/ ... my bad.

This just in! - I've also added a task to put an autosave logo when we autosave. :D



(1 edit)

Respawn with improper camera angle. (r358-b004)

Any OS - r358


After death, occasionally the respawn camera angle is stuck at a menu viewing angle. This typically happens if the death happens with a menu open.

Reproduce by:

  1. Be playing the game with proper conditions to respawn (enough pilots & a station)
  2. Die with the menu open (either with the normal tab menu or by entering orbit around a planet)
  3. Select respawn preferences
  4. On respawn, the camera angle will be set for a menu, but no menu will be shown.
Entering and exiting a planets orbit should reset the camera. You'll have to exit the planet orbit you spawn at first too.
(1 edit)

Thanks again Matthew for the feedback! A+, 5 stars! We will be going through your feedback and making additions to the trello board for this feedback as well.

As for (11) Respawning at a planet with an improper camera angle, I will make a bug post for that (r358-b004). Thanks for bringing it to our attention!

If you could pick 2 improvements that are most crucial and pressing, what would they be?



Thanks for the feedback and AWESOME video describing your points, it really means a lot to us!

I've tried a few camera angles and distances back from the spaceship myself, and it does really depend on the player's preference. I think adding a scroll wheel (or maybe even a menu slider?) might be a great solution.

We have also tried a following camera (so it lags behind the player's movements), and I really don't remember why we ever stopped using that method. I think it may have had something to do with trying to keep the aiming lined up correctly, but we will try and figure out a solution as it did make it seem much easier to cope with quick movements.

Targeting is something that we have added very recently and the idea to add an animation between the normal view and targeting is a great one!

I will add all of these to the trello board! Anyone else have any additional feedback on these topic?



List selection can allow for multiple items to appear highlighted. (r358-b003)

Any OS - r358

When selecting items from a list, the highlighting seems unpredictable and doesn't seem to work correctly or highlight multiple items.

Reproduce by:

  1. Start the game
  2. Select "New Game" from the main menu
  3. Click on "Transport Ship"
  4. Click on "Fighter Ship"
  5. Move mouse to "Begin" button
  6. Both items are orange with only the "Fighter Ship" having the bright corners
(1 edit)

Hover windows located in strange positions. (r358-b002)

Any OS - r358

When the hover windows are shown, they are sometimes shown in strange positions. For example, if you are starting a new game and hover over the ships in the ship selection stage, when you hover over the right half of the button, the hover window appears mostly off screen on the left side.

Reproduce by:

  1. Start the game
  2. Select "New Game"
  3. Hover over the right side of any ship in the ship selection stage
(1 edit)

Thanks dankVinyl, we will put that one at the top of our bug squashing list. I've also added it to the "Bugs" topic (bugID: r358-b001).

(4 edits)

Mouse not locking to game window (r358-b001)

Any OS - r358


Mouse is not locked to screen. When using multiple monitors, the cursor is able to move to those screens.

Reproduce by:

  1. Begin playing the game
  2. Press escape
  3. Mouse can now travel off screens
(1 edit)

Let everyone know what you think about Convicted Galaxy! You can let us know anything, but here are a few questions to get you started.

  • What do you like most about the game?
  • What do you like least about the game?
  • What do you think needs improvement?
(4 edits)

As the game is in development, we know there will be a few bugs here or there. If you happen to run into one of these pesky beasts, let us know. Please search for the bug you've encountered and upvote it if you find one that has already been recorded. If you can't find a post with the same bug, write a new bug post in the following format:


<Operating System> - <Game Version>


<the issue>

Reproduce by:

  1. <step 1>
  2. <step 2>
  3. ...


<the workaround>