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Convicted Galaxy

A Third Person 2.5D Action Roguelike in Space. · By Mind Grown Software

Bug Reports Sticky Locked

A topic by Mind Grown Software created Aug 17, 2016 Views: 428 Replies: 5
This topic was locked by Mind Grown Software Feb 12, 2017

To centralize all bug reports, please post any bugs to our Steam Group Discussions. We will be much quicker to respond to posts here and want to help you as soon as possible.


Viewing posts 1 to 6
Developer (4 edits)

As the game is in development, we know there will be a few bugs here or there. If you happen to run into one of these pesky beasts, let us know. Please search for the bug you've encountered and upvote it if you find one that has already been recorded. If you can't find a post with the same bug, write a new bug post in the following format:


<Operating System> - <Game Version>


<the issue>

Reproduce by:

  1. <step 1>
  2. <step 2>
  3. ...


<the workaround>

Developer (4 edits)

Mouse not locking to game window (r358-b001)

Any OS - r358


Mouse is not locked to screen. When using multiple monitors, the cursor is able to move to those screens.

Reproduce by:

  1. Begin playing the game
  2. Press escape
  3. Mouse can now travel off screens

Our next update, planned for Tuesday August 30th, will have some fixes in this area. For Windows and Linux (once we get a Linux build out), the cursor will be confined to the screen. The OS X (Mac) version will not be confined, as it is currently a limitation of our game engine. We will continue to look into a fix for the OS X build.

- Ryan

Developer (1 edit)

Hover windows located in strange positions. (r358-b002)

Any OS - r358

When the hover windows are shown, they are sometimes shown in strange positions. For example, if you are starting a new game and hover over the ships in the ship selection stage, when you hover over the right half of the button, the hover window appears mostly off screen on the left side.

Reproduce by:

  1. Start the game
  2. Select "New Game"
  3. Hover over the right side of any ship in the ship selection stage

List selection can allow for multiple items to appear highlighted. (r358-b003)

Any OS - r358

When selecting items from a list, the highlighting seems unpredictable and doesn't seem to work correctly or highlight multiple items.

Reproduce by:

  1. Start the game
  2. Select "New Game" from the main menu
  3. Click on "Transport Ship"
  4. Click on "Fighter Ship"
  5. Move mouse to "Begin" button
  6. Both items are orange with only the "Fighter Ship" having the bright corners
Developer (1 edit)

Respawn with improper camera angle. (r358-b004)

Any OS - r358


After death, occasionally the respawn camera angle is stuck at a menu viewing angle. This typically happens if the death happens with a menu open.

Reproduce by:

  1. Be playing the game with proper conditions to respawn (enough pilots & a station)
  2. Die with the menu open (either with the normal tab menu or by entering orbit around a planet)
  3. Select respawn preferences
  4. On respawn, the camera angle will be set for a menu, but no menu will be shown.
Entering and exiting a planets orbit should reset the camera. You'll have to exit the planet orbit you spawn at first too.
Developer locked this topic