hmm i feel like i got softlocked when i got the grappling hook? i cant get fohh back up to the top to destroy the darker colored blocks
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I just cannot get past floor 21 no matter how good of a run I am on. The difficulty jumps so much... Any tips? I have been cruising through with block pieces but I think I need to be able to one shot enemies after 21. It gets pretty frustrating since I am literally not taking any health damage all the way to 21 and then just get smacked.
The mechanic is pretty interesting, i've never seen that before. It's fun to try to get right, but it kinda feels a bit powerless when you are swinging on one side and see an enemy coming too late! Some polish would be nice, maybe a few shields with space bar or something... Awesome job for your first jam!
its pretty fun but does get a little repetitive. I got to floor 28 or something and just got a little bored. i like the controls, they feel great. the music is nice too except for when "boss music" plays but there isn't really any boss. one time i spawned in a level/room with no exit or any way to go. the artwork is nice but i wish uncovering the torches would do more for you or something. nice job, thanks a lot.