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michael hennessy

A member registered Oct 01, 2022 · View creator page →

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Thank you so much for playing! Really appreciate the video :)

Thank you for the feedback!

Thank you for playing! Glad you enjoyed it

Really solid game, some additional things to bounce off of/ get blocked by would've been cool!

Really well polished!

Loved this one! The fact the frame stays at a consistent range adds a lot to having to move/platform correctly. Keep it up!

Took a while to figure out what I needed to do, but once you do its really good! Gives you lots to manage when wizards want to go to a new location. Keep it up!

Great game! The controls are challenging in a way that really benefits the game. Really liked it!

Really cool game. The art style is really nice, loved the gun flipping. I think it may have been nicer if you could choose which side to shoot with, as I found the strategy just ended up being spam clicking without much thought. Overall I thought it was great!

Very well put together game! I found it took a while to get a hang of the controls, but after that it was very enjoyable!

Really cute game and the sledding section was very fun! Felt like the walk up to the top of the mountain could've been a little more engaging, but other than that its great!

Really cool idea! Everything works very nicely and I love the art style. I feel like some levels could be a little bit more challenging, but overall I enjoyed it a lot!

Thank you! Yeah it was a lot of work, I'm glad it shows.

Thank you for the feedback!

Glad to hear it! Thank you!

dont work :(

Thank you so much!

lol I'll take that! Thanks for playing, I really enjoyed your game

Thanks for the nice comment! Much appreciated, glad you enjoyed

Thats nasty 😉

The mechanics in this are really well explained and introduced at a great pace. I found the simplistic art very fitting of the gameplay. The levels progressed in difficulty very well and I felt very rewarded for figuring them out. Keep it up!

Such a cool game! Really liked the sound fx and character art for this. Very imaginative mechanic in the snow zone. Definitely one of the best of the jam!

Took me a few tries to complete, but discovering that the shooting mechanic can help you move quicker was really cool. The character felt very heavy and powerful in such a satisfying way. Loved the simple but effective mechanics of this one.

The dash mechanic is so satisfying! I sometimes struggled to find the planets until I realized I was just dumb after discovering the compass. Really cool and simple art and very enjoyable to play!

Very interesting mechanic. Took a while to get the hang of it but once I did I found it very enjoyable! This could definitely be taken further. One of my favourites of the jam!

Very peaceful experience. Really liked this one!

Thanks for the comment! I agree the boss was a little bit easy, I would've added a couple more phases if I had time. Glad you liked it!

Not sure if that's a good or a bad thing but hope you get custody of the kids 😝

We really liked the lighting and general look of the game. The game ran smoothly and the combat was easy to understand, however could've had a bit more depth and provide more obvious reason to kick/aerial kick. The pacing of the level was good, with a steadily increasing difficulty as you played through the increasing enemy count. 

The blend of 2D and 3D felt a little off, sometimes it would look like a punch would connect but you would just punch the air. It seemed a little easy, which seemed like a result of the enemies attacking infrequently. A more varied enemy pool could've resulted in a more interesting way of increasing difficulty throughout the level rather than just increasing the amount of enemies. We also noticed a bug where you could farm score from the dead bodies and also the camera sometimes broke the 2D illusion.

In terms of originality, there could me more unique mechanics that broke outside of the traditional beat 'em up although the unique idea of combining the 2D and 3D artwork was very nice.

We found the game entertaining due to the well executed and enjoyable mechanics that seemed to be useful for completing the level. However, we found that the block seemed to restrict you by either facing in the wrong direction or not returning the projectiles in the direction you were facing, which could create more of a viable mechanic. 

We also like the variety of enemies, although the time where the enemies stop shooting seems to be too shot in comparison to the block's cooldown, which led to the best solution being to tank the bullets and just spam attack rather than consider abilities. The cyberpunk aesthetic fit the gameplay well and made it more visually intriguing. The level design was good and the difficulty progressed well and the inclusion of collectibles added a good sense of replayability.

The overall gameplay and abilities could be more creative or original as a dash and block is quite common in fighting games, although the enemy with the lazer was a cool and unique attack.

The stats at the end was a nice addition and gave us a reason to replay in order to collect more of the collectibles and get further in the level.

The game had funny ragdoll physics but in terms of it being a fighting game it felt like you were fighting the movement rather than fighting each other as there seemed to be no real way of getting the other person off of the boat. Maybe a drag mechanic similar to gang beasts would work well, or maybe have the punch knock people back, or even have the ship sway so its harder to stay on.

The weather effects were a nice touch and we liked the ice one a lot as it varied the gameplay and kept it fresh. Despite this, it was hard to initially notice what each effect does, so maybe a symbol for each orb would work well.

In terms of originality, it interprets the fighting prompt in a different light, however is visually and mechanically similar to games such as gang beasts, but the inclusion of weather was a nice touch that we haven't seen in games before.

As well as giving the player more control over who wins, making it more obvious who the winner is would be helpful, potentially having a win screen or even some text just saying which player won.

After learning the controls, it was very enjoyable and we were both very engaged in the tag gameplay. Despite this, the controls, initially were not obvious until we found them outside of the game on the itch page,  and felt a little counter intuitive as the jump and tag keys are in an uncomfortable position. Maybe having the jump as "w" or the "up" key and the tag as the "s" or the "down" key would make more sense and have the scheme more consistent for each player.

The different levels worked well with the gameplay by creating a parkour aspect to it as well as making multiple routes. This requires the player to predict the other player's movements and we found that it resulted in more engaging and strategic gameplay.

In terms of originality, we found that the game interpreted the "fighting" theme well and in a unique way that was not approached by other groups.

We discussed that we would like to see more varied maps with different visual styles. I think there could also be more mechanics introduced that could create more ways of chasing/evading such as bounce pads etc.

I like the controls however I would find it more engaging if there was a way to die, a score or at least an end point as in feels a bit inconclusive. Other than that I like the visual style and found it fun to move around.

The song is nice however due to it being a single click game it typically just becomes tapping along to the tempo which means you don't have to pay too much attention to the visuals. The arrows do however fall onto the blackout arrows at exact timings which doesn't seem easy to do through code so that was impressive. I would recommend that the text be elsewhere on the screen as sometimes it can get in the way of knowing when you're meant to click. I did like the scoring system and the multiplier mechanic as that can bring players back to try and achieve a better score. All round well executed!

Thank you so much. Yeah I agree levels towards the end could definitely be much harder. Maybe if we tweaked some of them by moving obstacles around or adding more as I'm aware that there are not so obvious exploits for avoiding harder areas that was not intended. Glad you liked it.

I won't lie, not a design decision, just something I didn't focus on polishing. The concept evolved from a star gazing game where you would jump from star to star to form the constellation that was prompted, but we quickly moved to a game more focused on planets as we felt like rotating around them made more sense. The level design was based on adding new obstacles every 4 levels, the first of which being a simple level that showcases the mechanic and then the later 3 increasing in difficulty by incorporating previous obstacles and also more of them. Thanks for the feedback!

(1 edit)

The theme seemed to be sweet or coffee or both? There were only 5 levels. Sorry you found it difficult, I tested it with multiple people from different experience and everyone completed it.