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A member registered Jul 08, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thank you for your advice :D !
Happy that you laugh ;) !
I had some experiences in the past with video game, All you said here is true ( have full movement, make html file ). I used to work on Unity before and Godot is really a new engine for me ahaha ^^ . So I try to learn all the new stuff, rules and way to think ( about programmation,  design ) even though if I knew the basis concepts , It was pretty hard, but I will make my way with the time. About the music, I'm learning too, but will take my time .

The game is really cool ! I like the fact that we have time to plan and collect rock and wood. The combinaison of the wall + attack is a really good idea too !

thank you for the advice :D !

Sorry I put the wrong file, I corrected that !

I try the " run away first " then I did the level and get on the sphere,  get a cinematic and die ahaha :p !

The game was really fun and the art is really clean for a game made on 3 days ! . I had 1089 for the score for my part :D 

I struggle with the grapple too, but when you have the " thing " it's pretty cool :p ( because you can move faster ). I really like the art and was confusing with the end !

thank you :p !

thank you :)

I just play it, and wow ! When I opened the game and played it the first time I was stuck on the same level but then when I saw the file "level ", I decided to open the level " only one to exit " , I changed it and I saw that I completed the level. That's the type of puzzle game, I like,  you have to think with the clues given.

thanks :p !

thank you :)

ahah thank you ^^

The art of this game is really cool ( I like so much the " cell shading " light effect :p ) . The fact that you have to double press any key for attack is  a good idea. I also  like the 2D/3D  mix.

thank you, this is why I put this name ahaha :D 

thank you ^^

You did a really great job,  the music and the art is really cute . The  end scene was cute too :) !

Happy to know you were amused  and thanks for the comment :)

Really good use of the limitations, I wasn't excpecting a battle game at first :) . Maybe you can say on the description that the tutorial is quite long ( for testiting all the combination ) because the ennemy hasn't an health bar, so we can't know if the game bugs on this level or not ( I pass the level 1, and I will try again to see how many level there are :D ) . I also appreciate the camera introduction with the sky !