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Mayflower Studios

A member registered Feb 02, 2023 · View creator page →

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Before this jam even started I felt that way. I didn't think I had the skills to even make a game that was worth playing. I never did game jams before but I always had the dream of making games. I started making some life changes the end of this last year and decided i needed to start doing what I wanted to do more. I saw this game jam and said I needed to be a part of it. even if I cant submit anything I needed to try. When the time came and it started I was NOWHERE near where I thought I needed to be for this. I didn't think it was worth it anymore honestly. But then I remembered that I made that promise to myself that I was going to do this and I was going to submit something even if it sucked. The funny thing about this is, I felt I was wasting my time until I saw that the games getting submitted were not from established studios. The games looked like they were made by real people. people new to this. not saying the games are bad because some of these games are actually really awesome. But it actually gave me hope. I realized that Thor was actually right, anyone can make games if they really want to. That's not just some thing that people say.

Thank you for being honest with yourself and opening up this dialogue thats deeper then just "I learned this game mechanic". I think I kind of needed this too. I hope I get to see your name pop up in more jams

I got to dabble in the godot Dialogue Manager addon and learned how to add dialogue in my game. I also learned about lighting. I decided those 2 things that I didn't know anything about would be the main focus for my game just so I had a reason to learn them.

If you were using the web build of the game that will happen. It is a weird bug with the web build only that no one can figure out. if it was on the windows downloadable build then that is a different story.

I felt the same way at first switching to Godot. You can use C# in Godot but I have since found that GDScript is a nicer language to use. Don't give up. Even if you don't finish the game in time for this game jam. There are more out there. If you get stuck the Godot discord is a great community and very helpful.

Cool game. Keep up the good work. I would suggest adding an exit button though

Thank you very much. I'm glad he loved it.

Thanks for letting me know. It will be fixed in the next update. Glad you liked the game

I really liked this. I found it very relatable honestly. Nicely done

This is the same idea I had. even the same engine I am using. Very well made, I love the art work. Keep it up!